The Council’s Thoughts On Sports Pitches




There is a lot of detail in the District Council’s proposed strategy document on sports pitches. (which you can download here – 996 kb)

But the key findings are:

  • There is a shortage of mini and junior sports pitches – and that shortage is going to get worse unless something is done about it.
  • But there is a surplus of adult football pitches.
  • In the future there is also likely to be a shoratge of cricket and rugby pitches, unless action is taken.
  • The solutions and recommendations are:

    Long term:
    ? Provide additional pitches to bring supply in line with demand
    ? When providing new provisions for football, they should mainly be mini and junior
    pitches, and focus should be on providing them on the western side of the District
    ? Roles and responsibilities to be reviewed and updated in the management
    ? Secure developer contributions wherever possible through planning obligations
    and / or community infrastructure levy
    ? Focus investment on floodlit synthetic turf pitches/ Artificial Grass Pitches
    ? Ensure any relocated pitches are made to standard league requirements and are
    on a fit-for-purpose site.
    Medium ? Short term:
    ? Encourage education institutions to sign up a formal community use arrangement
    for dual use of school facilities
    ? Redesignate adult pitches to mini/ junior pitches
    ? Continue to work closely with partners / open space contractors/ organisations to
    provide better service for the public

    About the author, admin

  • What about tennis courts? Other towns that I have lived in have had tennis courts available in public parks – tarmac courts, heavy duty nets, fenced in but available free all day.

  • This may also be a good section to air a question about cycling. Would it be possible to allow cycling in Hockley Woods?

    We went for a walk there yesterday, and my kids asked if they could take their bikes. I told them that I thought it was not allowed, so we left the bikes at home. Sure enough the notice board/map in the carpark has very small print at the bottom saying cycling is prohibited. I then felt pretty stupid, walking through the woods while other people were enjoying a nice bike ride, either ignoring the no cycling rule or not being aware of it.

    I know there is a risk that some cyclists could get out of hand and spoil the woods for walkers, but couldn’t some allowance be made? There are certain routes in the woods that are designed for horses. As Bridleways are normally shared with cyclists, couldn’t these routes in the woods be opened for cycling?

  • STI
    I believe there are a number of tennis courts in \Fairview playing fields.Your point about cycling in Hockley Woods , if the bridleways are official then you have a right to cycle on them .Unfortunately horses and cycles do not mix well with damage to the surfaces etc. there should be a route through Bull Lane area to the woods linking with Cherry Orchard park suitable for cyclists , as i know many people use their bikes on the footpath which is not legal .

  • ST1 There are tennis courts in Fairview Park. Hardcourt, 2 or 3 of them I believe? Plus you have Rayleigh Tennis club who have just installed floodlights. Rayleigh Lesiure Centre have tennis courts marked out and nets can be put up? well at least I believe they do.

    The football pitch debate or lack thereof rears it’s head again, that’s correct RDC, the picture hasn’t changed in the last 5 years, there are not enough junior pitches. Adult football is on the wain so there are a surplus of adult pitches and junior football continues to be on the rise. The structure is changing shortly, 5-aside will be introduced from Under 7’s, then 7-aside for a couple of years, then 9-aside for a couple of years moving to 11-aside at under 12’s. Different pitch dimensions and goal sizes. I think they will introduce multi functioning pitches, but the FA will come up with the proposals to develop the grassroots game in their quest to produce a world cup winning side and expect the council and local amateur clubs to pay for it.

  • Am I missing something? Wasn’t there 7(?) junior football pitches given planning permission and the land developed on the ground next to Rayleigh Sports Centre on Priory Chase? After all the fuss and money that was spent (wasted?) on this piece of land the pitches don’t appear to have materialised! What on earth is going on?

  • A surplus of adult football pitches? In part this will be caused by the cost of hiring these which has increased enormously in the 27 years that I have been involved in local football.

    I feel obliged to point out that in those 27 years the quality of pitches, changing rooms, and other accoutrements has declined. It looks like football has been used as a cash-cow, whilst it has become acceptable to treat the adherents of the beautiful game with contempt.

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