We’ve just had the following email from Rawreth Parish Council:
As most of you will be aware the Parish is suffering once again from the effects of the weather. Church Road and Watery Lane/Beeches Road have been badly hit, and if you saw the news yesterday BBC Look East featured Watery Lane and Beeches Road on all the Look East news bulletins throughout the day.
The Echo have picked up on this and are going to run a feature about the flooding in and around the Parish and the effects that the housing proposed under Rochford District Councils Local Development Framework Core Strategy could have on the Parish.
Photos for the feature are going to be taken tomorrow afternoon, time to be confirmed, so if you can spare half an hour tomorrow afternoon to take part in the photo it can only help emphasise the effect that more housing will have on the already stretched drainage in the Parish and the need to retain greenbelt land and help reiterate what the Parish Council have been saying for months.
Hope you can make it and please spread the word.
Kind regards
If anyone can make tomorrow please call Cllr Lyn Hopkins tomorrow morning after 10am on 01268 784233
It illustrates the problem with the roads, not just flooding. Anything that causes issues with Watery Lane or a similar route in Raweth, Hullbridge, Rayleigh etc backs traffic up around the whole area. Travel to work this morning took 3 times longer than normal just because Watery lane was closed again, but it doesn’t have to be a weather issue. I’m sure everyone remembers the problems when they were replacing the gas pipes in Down Hall Road too.
Bryan you are quite right to say it is not just floods that can cause gridlock .Luckly for you that you use the road at peak time .,once a month highways and RDC close the road during the day to attend to rubbish and maintenance .No other road in essex has such attention it should be the cleanest road in the county !!This employs at the minimum 7 people and three vehicles .The reason it is closed is for our old friend Health and Safety .Shame they do not close the road for the pedestrians and cylists who have to risk life and limb on there each day .