You Know When You’ve Been In Local Government Too Long When….




The Guardian has a new section of its website designed for local government officers. But there’s some interesting stuff for councillors too – and interested members of the public.
For example this slightly tongue-in-cheek list could apply to councillors as well as officers:

You know you’ve worked in local government too long when?

1. You have to get a purchase order signed off by your mum before you can do the shopping
2. You know the exact person to contact when your bin isn’t collected (including which company the collection has been tendered to)
3. You ask your friends to fill in an equality monitoring form when they come to your party
4. You demand Gantt charts and RAG reports from your children’s school teachers
5. You don’t have an invite list for a party, you have a range of stakeholders attending
6. You smile at anyone in a high-vis vest in any authority doing any sort of work since “we’re all in this together”
7. You set your children performance indicators for their homework
8. You see chatting to the person next to you on the bus as a community engagement exercise
9. When a friend offers you a lift you think “Ah, the big society in action!”, then you CRB-check them
10. Your job title is longer than your address

About the author, admin

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