One of the advantages of being in the Lib Dems, as opposed to being ,say, independents , is that we can get advice and help from other experienced Liberal Democrats elsewhere (and although we are in a party we don’t have anyone whipping us into line either, unlike the ‘other lot’).
As an example, our Lib Dem group here in Rochford wanted some advice on what policies work best on certain parking issues. So we sent out an email today to other Lib Dems in Essex. We got our first (really useful) reply from Colchester after just 9 minutes, another, detailed , response from Chelmsford after 24 minutes, one from Basildon after 38 minutes and then one from Colchester Lib Dem MP Bob Russell after 54 minutes …. and the replies are still coming in.
We’re really glad for all this support ( and particularly impressed by Bob Russell) . Thanks, everyone…
Regarding parking in Rayleigh. I feel a pay on exit scheme would be beneficial. People would then not be rushing to get back to their vehicles before the ticket expires, & the Warden appears. You don’t always know how long you are going to be, you might meet a friend, decide to have a coffee, get carried away browsing. Having set times puts people under pressure.
I also think that the “Free from 1pm on Saturday’s” should be more clearly publicised. I have seen loads of people putting money in the machine after this time. All adds to RDC’s coffers I know, but what about trade in Rayleigh? Anything we can do to boost trade in the town must be good for all of us!
I realise the equipment to implement a “pay on exit” system would be costly, & might reduce the need for Traffic Wardens, but the long term benefits to Rayleigh would outweigh the negatives.
What a fantastic idea! I completely agree with your points – I have two children and attend a number of groups in the town. Whilst I try to walk as frequently as I can it is not always possible. There have been many occasions when I have met with friends and decided to stay for lunch or do some shopping or the group has continued for longer. I find myself racing back to the car and adding more coins to the machine. I do strongly believe that people would be staying in the town for far longer which will in turn be positive for both the car park and the traders!!!
It would also free up the traffic wardens to spend their time on more valuable jobs like parking outside of schools – not just checking car parks! Whenever I have asked for more reinforcement officers outside schools I am told they are too busy on the many car parks within the district! Sounds like a good solution for the public all round
What really infuriates me is having to pay in the main car-park up until 19:00 hours when the car park is virtually empty apart from kids congregating in their cars. and they aren’t paying!
I recently had a doctors appointment at 19:10 and got caught out because I thought the car-park charges ceased at 18:00 as they do elsewhere in the county!
Why charge at all after the shops have closed?
Regarding pay on exit – this strikes a raw nerve. Very raw.
Back when the Lib Dems ran the council in 2000 , we looked into “Pay on Exit” and were advised by the company that provided the machines that our car parks weren’t big enough – except for Websters Way, where it was marginally possible. The two main problems are :
a) you still need have staff around in case the barriers break down.
and b) you would need to have a longer entrance lane to allow cars to queue while drivers collected tickets.
So we took the advice of the company – and council officers – and didn’t introduce it.
Meanwhile the Conservatives made a BIG issue over this . They produced a leaflet that said:
“Residents throughout Rayleigh want pay-on-exit car parking in Webster’s Way now. We have had over 1400 replies from houses in Rayleigh – and over 70% want this system…. Yet Liberal councillors have refused to meet residents wishes. Rayleigh Conservatives believe people should have what they want – not be arrogantly disregarded by the Liberals. At the December Council meeting , Conservatives Councillors publicly promised to put pay-on-exit car parking into Webster’s Way.”
And indeed Council Minute 212/2000 , moved by Councillor Peter Webster and voted for by Councillors Amner, Mrs Brown, Capon, Cutmore, Grey, Mrs Hungate , Livings , Mockford, Smith, Starke and Mr and Mrs Webster states
: … “That Council further notes that the Conservative Group will implement pay-on-exit car parking in Webster’s Way car park as soon as possible.”
It was a very effective campaign – it was enough to knock some good Lib Dems off the council and to bring the Tories into overall control. But when they took control , they brazenly ignored their own promise and of course , we still don’t have pay-on-exit.
Meanwhile TWR, I’m against charging after 6pm. But you’d be surprised at how many councillors that don’t even know about this.
Totally agree with the finish time for car-park charging, and it’s not just Rayleigh. I went to the Hockley Christmas lights event on Saturday, and the Station carpark required payment right into the evening, but the single yellow restrictions in the road outside ended in the early afternoon (obviously designed to deter commuters). How stupid to have a completely under-utilised carpark and then encourage people to park in the road.
Also relating to charging times, the free Saturday afternoons start at 1pm, but I was always under the impression that the afternoon officially starts at 12pm. I recently had to visit the High Street, arriving at just after twelve, and found the charges were still in operation. Having no change (all stolen for school dinner money during the week), I had to find somewhere else to park. If only there was pay on exit!