Using Our IPads




There were a few raised eyebrows when the district council loaned an IPad to each councillor.
This is partly for security and data protection reasons required by government – if councillors have confidential emails sent to them by to special councillor email addresses, then the IPads could be checked to see if the emails have been spent on to anywhere else. The IPads are strictly for council use only.

We are starting to get council agendas and accompanying reports sent to our IPads now. This could save a lot of paper and printing costs. The pile of paper above is just the reports for three meetings this week. Admittedly, this is particularly “heavy” week for paperwork. But you can see that over a year it could make some savings….

About the author, admin

  • It’s the cost of the iPad vs the competition that raises my eyebrows. Chris has already claimed that ‘security issues’ prevented something else being used, but I don’t really believe it.

  • Hi Chris, Whilst doing that Chris could you establish whether emails sent to “special councillor email addresses”, which are those published by the Council, by residents are completely private and confidential or could they be examined pursuant to a Freedom of Information Request to the Council or by any other means by the Council?

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}