Wednesday 22nd at 7:30 – Salvation Army Hall , High Street, Rayleigh – West Area Committee Main items are a police report, and Cherry Orchard Country Park (Why is that on the agenda for the West Area?)
Thursday 23rd at 7:30, Civic Suite Rayleigh.- Development Control Committee ‘ Here are the items up for discussion:
08/00661/FUL Single Storey Pitched Roofed Extension to Form Orangery. The Lawn, Hall Road, Rochford
08/00677/FUL Construct 2 No. Detached Three Bedroomed Bungalows With Integral Garages and Access Drive Land Rear Of 16 To 24 Kingswood Crescent, Rayleigh
08/00670/FUL Construct Five Storey 150 Room Hotel, Restaurant, Ballroom, and Conference Facilities and Two Four Storey Office Buildings, Construct New Access from Cherry Orchard Way, Landscaping and Parking. Land Between The Athenaeum Health Club and Cherry Orchard Way, Rochford
08/00674/FUL Revised application – Extension to 21 Glasseys Lane Rayleigh to form new dwelling.