Here’s another item for next Thursday’s meeting.
Rochford District Council is being asked by Southend Borough for it’s views on extending the airport runway:
1.1 This report provides details of a planning application for an extension to the runway at London Southend Airport and recommends that Southend Council be informed that Rochford has no objection to the application, subject to there being a number of controls applied to the operation of the airport through conditions and a S106 agreement.
2.1 The key elements of the planning application are as follows:-
a south westerly extension of the airport?s runway, to increase its length by about 300 metres and a further 80 metres of paved surface for a starter strip and turning head;
diversion of Eastwoodbury Lane, together with the provision of a new cycle way and footpath around the site of the extended runway and airport;
re-provision and increase of public open space and children?s play area in St Lawrence Park, which is affected by the diversion of Eastwoodbury Lane, and the provision of additional ecological habitat;
alterations to the access arrangements and the car park and boundary of St Lawrence and All Saints Church;
associated works including drainage, infrastructure for the road and extended runway, new airport boundary fencing, road and airfield lighting and instruments, replacement parking for Royal Bank of Scotland and landscaping.
The full report is here. (832k)
I read in the Echo today that the Airport Expansion has been recommended for approval. Who would have guessed that outcome, given that the new station to support it has been under construction for a number of months now!