Something For Hockley ….?

A new planning application just submitted:

Parish: Hockley Parish Council
Ward: Hockley Central

Case Officer: Monica Palmer
Proposal: Change of Use From Industrial to Leisure Facility to Provide Meeting Place for 11 – 17 Year Olds

7A Eldon Way Industrial Estate Eldon Way Hockley

About the author, admin

  • I hope this venture works out. There was something in Hullbridge at the time I was in my teens that worked well. I would like the young people in Hockley to be able to enjoy somthing similar.

  • Yes, indeed!

    Let’s stop demonising and excluding young people and actually celebrate them and spend time with them!

    God bless this project… to do likewise in Rawreth and west Rayleigh!…

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