At tonight’s Full District Council meeting Chris Black pushed for the council to hold a public meeting about infrastructure in the West Rayleigh / Rawreth / Hullbridge area – to discuss drainage, sewerage, highways, education, health etc. He pointed out that the council has a page on its website to list public meetings but the page was blank. He stressed that many members of the public would welcome a meeting. Cllr John Mason backed the idea, saying it should actually deal with infrastructure for the whole district.
The initial response from Cllr Cutmore and Cllr Hudson was rather negative- Cllr Cutmore saying that the council held business breakfasts where these things could be discussed. But as discussions went we on began to make some progress, with Cllr Hudson saying he would welcome the reinstatement of the old area committees.
No vote was taken, but we made a bit of progress, and will keep pressing the issue.
Well done Chris/ John and sorely needed as they have already cancelled two promises ( RTSSC & new Primary School ) and ECC Highways have no plans
In place for Rawreth Lane / London Road / Hambro Corner .
We need mass objections to the 1st planning application by Countryside ( Summer)
on the basis of “unsustainable infrastructure”.
PS: And can you explain how a party political leaflet “in touch” has the authority to cancel the ” new and enhanced facilities for RTS&SC ….” – does the RDC not have to vote on such issues that were “pledged” by Cllr’s Hudson & Cutmore in an open letter last September . I have a copy if you need it ?.
A welcome, overdue initiative but I agree with John Mason – we need to consider the whole district.
RDC are masters at a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy. For instance, they have worked hard to avoid undertaking a highways review in Hockley. But this will not simply affect Hockley – the knock on effect will affect Rochford and Rayleigh on both sides. Similarly, traffic from the new housing in the Ashingdon area has to go somewhere.
We also know they have an agreed strategy with ECC not to improve the B1013 to the detriment of the A127, so we need an overall highways strategy.
We all need to pull together.
Well done Chris, keep pushing.
A good point Brian , in fact it is now obvious that most Towns & Villages in all the SE Essex districts have had to form some sort of Action Group in order to get heard – a
clear indication of the dis-connect between politicians and the electorate.
Given the power of the social media I would hope all those groups contact each other and press for an overview of all forms of infrastructure accross the whole area – it is called ” joined up thinking “.
As someone else on here said recently we are run by the ‘divide and conquer’ method
at present – a good example is housing that we don’t actually need but London does,
so we are being used as a dumping ground to create the room in the City ( again ) .
Well , with Chris preoccupied with local elections ( and anyway limited on what he can say in order to be neutral when the Planning Applications come up) it is up to us to be
prepared for the upcoming Countryside application.
It is no good just saying we are against it, we have to come up with tanbgiable reasons ( although overload is already obvious ) why – and feasible measures to
mitigate ie:- London Rd & Rawreth Lane traffic.
I will start us off –
Frankly I see no solution to Hambro Corner , this will be the primary route for the
Construction traffic serving the 500 build at Hullbridge and eventually the resultant
domestic traffic load to/ from Hullbridge.
That makes it doubly important to come up with a meaningful solution to the 550 &
220 ( Rawreth Ind Estate) building , starting with the Countryside 475 , so how about
a roundabout half way between Bedloes Corner and Rich Lee roundabout.
A two way road dedicated to the new site would keep all the construction and subsequent domestic traffic impacting into both Rawreth Lane and London – as they
propose (ie: right next to both Makro and Eon site entrances – should be fun!!!).
Truth is they will dream up technical/ traffic rules that preclude that but the truth is
neither Developers or ECC Highway will want to foot the bill – but that is what we need.
Here is the response from RDC re: the voting cards,
Thank you for contacting us. Your poll cards cover you for both the European and Local elections, so you don’t need two.
So, one vote for Chris, one vote for Nigel…..
Re: my # 5 above – not very well worded , try again …….
A roundabout on the A1245 half way between Bedloes and Rich Lee with a 2 way road ( East – West ) dedicated to the new site ( North of London Rd / Industrial Est),
that would obviate any new traffic impacting directly into Rawreth Lane and London Rd.
What do you think?.
Chris, Has there been any progress on this, I would have thought that Cllr Cutmore, as leader Cllr Hudson as portfolio holder and Cllr Seagers as Local Highways Panel Chairman would welcome input from a wider audience,
Maybe with Cutmore and Seagers also being County Councillors they couold take back our concerns to the higher authority as could CCllr Maddocks and CCllr Gibbs
Failing a council initiative perhaps the Lib Dems could take the lead and set-up a meeting ????
The weight of public opinion on this would surely get a very large turnout and the attegdant publicity would do nothing but good for the cause of improving our environment