We’ve just received the agenda for the Development Control Committee meeting on Feb 25th. the planning officers are recommending approval of the latest scheme from Coral for the front of the Asda site in Rawreth Lane, Rayleigh. – 23 flats and 3 commercial units.
You can download the report here. (1.1 Mb)
There’s some interesting comments from the County Council’s urban designer:
The new application appears, understandably, a direct attempt to placate concerns raised during the previous refusal. The main changes are a more traditional vernacular approach and a large communal roof garden.
Although it may become a valuable communal asset, we have nagging concerns over the use and management of the roof garden, though accept on this site, the applicant has no alternative in attempting to meet Rochford?s open amenity standards. Our concerns relate to the general maintenance, lack of relationship with apartments in terms of natural surveillance and direct access. The design of the roof garden is now suitably broken down following our initial comments, though due to possible safety issues we would suggest the need to extend the raised planting area to the south of the defined play area, possibly by way of a condition.
In normal circumstances would have no hesitation in recommending refusal, though in this instance only outline our concerns given the difficulties of responding to core ?design by Committee ?issues.
Some of the comments from a resident:
Roof gardens will overlook existing homes and will lead to further anti social nuisance as noise will travel further and disturb residents. Drying washing on the roof will look unsightly.
o The site regularly floods and has obvious drainage problems. The development will concrete over any natural drainage and the proposed units will put added strain upon the existing system.
o Over-development
o Existing road layout is poor and inadequate and road safety issues have yet to be given proper consideration.
o Priory Chase and Temple Way should be adopted before any further developments are given permission in this residential area.
Comments from the Rochford planners:
The site has an area of 0.21ha and, as well as the three commercial units proposed, would equate to a density for the 23 flats proposed of 104 dwellings per hectare.
In comparison the adjoining area for key worker flats and adjoining housing shows a typical sample area of 1ha to equate to a density of 47 units per hectare. However, the key worker flats opposite the site have a density of 144 units per hectare.
Officers have raised concern with the applicant regarding the design of the upstand to the roof garden, fearing that children might climb over the 1.1m high barrier. The applicants have responded to advise that the height shown satisfies the requirements of the building regulations.
2.62 The proposal would provide for windows and balconies to first and second floors overlooking the public areas of Priory Chase and Rawreth Lane, as well as the car park to the rear of the site. No overlooking of adjoining private areas to residential neighbouring properties would arise from this development.
Refuse Bins
The layout of the site makes provision for refuse bin storage to be provided within the building.
However, officers have concerns about the size and adequacy of the domestic refuse bin enclosure that is shown on the plan. This is being discussed with the applicant. It is desirable for the facility to be enclosed as shown. Furthermore, there is concern that the refuse bin facility is poorly sited with parking planned adjoining the access point and anticipated difficulty for refuse collecting vehicles to enter and manoeuvre within the busy car park to service the bins.
Officers Conclusion:
The principle of the proposed development accords with the Local Plan.
The current application has revisited the design and seeks to follow a more domestic appearance to compare with the site surroundings.
The development as now proposed would provide sufficient amenity space on the site to accord with the Council?s detailed guidance.
Officers therefore consider that the scheme as now proposed overcomes the previous reasons for refusal.
One of the conditions:
3 No more than one of the permitted units shall fall within Use Class A3 or A5 as set out in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) at any one time, without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority. At no time shall the three commercial units as shown be ?knocked through? and provided as one or more large unit. The three commercial units shall be retained in their approved layout form.
I think that the comments from the residents are valid and the planners should have taken them seriously, I do not really get the feeling that this was so? Could it be that the planners know that Coral will not decide to call it a day or submit plans that are agreeable to all and the planning department decided to go along? Call me a cynic but…..