Operation Christmas Child




Churches, schools and pubs are working together to promote Operation Christmas Child. This is a charity where a shoebox is fillled with appropriate items and given to a child who would otherwise not receive a present.

Leaflets can be collected from and boxes delivered to any of the local churches, plus The Crown, Rayleigh Lodge, and Izzy Wizzy Toy Shop in Rayleigh High Street. 5 local schools and 5 local playgroups are also taking part.

For the first time this year Rayleigh will have its own dedicated warehouse for collecting and checking boxes. Other groups can become involved and help is required on a voluntary basis at the warehouse.

For more information contact Bruce and Linda Smart on 01268 780184

About the author, admin

  • United Reform Church are now involved which means all but 1 of the local churches and Whyburns makes 6 schools. We also may need help in our warehouse to make up, collate and crate boxes in November. It is now almost certain this wil be in the old fire station in Castle Road. Can you take our leaflets into your work place so every one has the chance to support this cause.

  • Bruce
    Have you an electronic version of what you are doing and we can send out to all our Parents and Carers at Rayleigh Boys /Girls and on our website.
    We can also distribute this to other local teams.
    When you need helpers please let me know

  • Hi Martin can you ring me and will email details to you. W e do have emails for those involved. Have lost your email details and will ask around for them but ring if you read this before receiving any email.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}