Green Party Hullbridge Parish Councillor Michael Hoy has just written on his website about the proposals for 450 houses in Hullbridge:
Last night at the Parish Council meeting I brought up the issue of the 450 new houses planned for Hullbridge. While Hawkwell and Rawreth have put up vocal opposition to planned developments in their areas Hullbridge has been strangely subdued.
Why is this? Is it because people do not know about the plans, is it because they welcome a development which will increase the population of Hullbridge by around 30%, or perhaps they feel powerless to stop it because, whatever they do, it will happen anyway?
To give you some idea about the size of this development the new housing in London Road by Asda consists of 160 houses, we will be getting nearly three times that number……
The full article is here.
Michael raises some good questions.
Probably because many feel we have no voice. Emails to Hullbridge councillors are ignored and their attendance at relevant meetings seems shockingly poor. It’s inevitable isn’t it? …… despite the poor transportation around here – just look at the effect bad weather has on Watery lane and the resulting impact on the only other route out …… No train station, poor bus routes (recently reduced further for ‘environmental’ reasons!), there’s a whole heap of reasons why Hullbridge is as poor a choice, if not worse, than many other sites for development.
I’m not a nimby and do think Hullbridge has to share the burden but in relation to current size?
The way the Councillors representing Hullbridge is shocking. They should all stand down NOW or start doing what they promised to do, represent the views and the wishes of this village….. [edited]