From the Rochford DC Website:
“Green Waste Collection
Due to unforseen circumstances the green waste collection from Wednesday 14th May has not been completed. Residents are advised to continue to present their green waste bins and they will be collected as soon as possible. This may affect the forthcoming collection on Friday 16th May. We apologise for any inconvenience caused..
If you have any queries please contact a member of the recycling team on or call 01702 318111″
I have been also contacted by residents who were used to seeing the green segmented vehicle collect the recycling from the “blue” bins. They were alarmed to see one of the traditional refuse vehicles collecting this material this week. The whole lot that residents had taken time to sort into paper,cans and glass were flung in together. They thought that recycling was over but I guess that the situation is that the new contractor is sorting it out at the recycling centre like they will under the new recycling scheme? Well I hope so. So if this is case then why cant we put plastics into the blue bins right now? Perhaps Cabinet Member Michael Starke who is responsible for this service might like to make a posting here explaining what is going on. He could also explain why the new service is now subject to a outcome of a pilot by the same contractor in Warwick?