The Echo have an update on the Golf Course application – with an interesting comment added at the bottom from English Democrat politician Kim Gandy:
A RAYLEIGH golf club’s proposal to reshape its course will be decided by Rochford District Council.
The Lords Golf and Country Club in Hullbridge Road wants to improve its course, but until this week it was not clear whether the district council or Essex County Council would have the final say.
John Whitlock, at Rochford’s planning department, said: “Essex County Council has written to us saying it is happy for us to proceed. Our target date for a decision is July 18. I suspect it will go to the development control committee on June 24.”
The move was welcomed by Lib Dem district councillor Chris Black, who said local people would have the chance to come to the meeting and give their opinions.
Some neighbours have objected to the proposal, concerned the work involved would put more lorries on surrounding roads. But golf club owner Churchgate says the roads would be able to cope with lorries carrying extra soil to the course.
Posted by: Kim Gandy, Rayleigh on 9:52pm Fri 16 May 08
Some neighbours have objected to the proposal, concerned the work involved would put more lorries on surrounding roads. But golf club owner Churchgate says the roads would be able to cope with lorries carrying extra soil to the course
My god, I can think of worse things to have next door than temporary disturbance from a few lorries.
To the people of Crays Hill, such a minor disturbance would be complete and utter heaven with the gates shut.
Some people don’t know they’re born!!
I wonder why Kim Gandy didn’t win a seat?
What am absolutely ridiculous statement to make. With the proposed number of lorries expected to pass those peoples homes for the ext few years, they will have no enjoyment of their homes, with they have a legal right to, they will be subjected to noise, disturbance and inconvenience. For a councellor to be an effective councellor for the people that voted them in, they need to show empathy, and clearly this is skill that Kim Gandy seems to lack.
I endorse what cjav says above . It is too easy to fall into the trap off agreeing with such rantings from kim candy. I have followed the numerous blogs on the echo site that she{he} has written every subject leads back to crays hill travellers . [EDITED]I am surprised Some of the things she{he} has said have been displayed on the echo site . We all have latent racism in our makeup and it is something we need to be aware off and to conquer ,I as a child was never aware of “race” just interesting differences, I was lucky and went to a privileged education where there were pupils from many parts of the world and we were able to learn of the many problems round the globe .I oppose the site at Rawreth not because they may be travellers but purely on planning issues . I do not know where she lives in rayleigh but if she lived in rawreth lane She{he} will be the first to complain and probably will say that the drivers all came from crays hill and did not pay any tax !!!
I have replied to Kim pointing out that people in the Basildon District do see Golf Course delvelopment as a serious issue as follows:
In answer to Kim’s comments. The people of the Basildon District do have a Golf Course that has had a similar application successfully placed upon it. They are far from happy about this. The Friends of Basildon Golf Course have secured a right to a judicial review of the council’s decision to plant planning permission. Angela Smith MP has bought their concerns to the attention to the House of Commons. Hansard 24th April 2008 refers.
On just checking the site Kim has responded to another blogger with yet another sarcastic anti Dale Farm comment yet has chosen to ignore mine.
My thoughts on this are very similar to those of A Matthews. I also see differences as something to be interested in rather than fear and hate. I also agree with Corey that anyone hoping to represent people should attend to their concerns rather than direct them to issues elsewhere that fit with your limited political repertoire.
BTW, Kim is female.
Kim Gandy making a fool of herself….once again…..I can’t believe anyone actually voted for her.
you are all so far up your own backsides you can’t see the wood for trees. Sorry for mixing metaphors but you lot are laughable. You are just jealous because I took some of Pat’s votes. Actually I like Pat, I have a lot of respect for her and cannot see what she is doing hanging out with a bunch of misguided loonies like you.
Hi Kim
I think that by you are all so far up your own backsides you can’t see the wood for trees. you mean that we are really, really interested in local issues.
I’m glad you respect Pat – so do I. She’s been interested in Rayleigh issues – and helped us campaign on them – for many years.
So what ‘loony’ stuff have you found on onlineFOCUS then?
Although I very rarely find myself in agreement with Margret Thatcher. She did say that she liked it when people used personal insults against her because they had run out of political argument. The loony comment falls firmly in that category. The people who comment on this site do not all hang out together or even share the same views just a concern for local matters.
Local matters may not be as sensational as the debates on immigration or a separate governing body for England none the less they do have a big impact on peoples lives.
I am sure that people on here would welcome a different perspective on the issues here. If you are able the genuinely debate local matters then I for one would be interested in what you have to say.
Otherwise go and debate the politics of hate and division with the Rev John Stanton whom you openly supported on the Echo website.
Thankyou angelina for answering Kim in a restrained diplomatic manner . Kettle and black spring to mind with her vitriolic attack on the local views on this site when you read what she has written over the months on the echo site .We are lucky to be in a free country to be able to express ourselves freely long may it be so .I do have some sympathy with the idea of an english parliament as i feel with the scottish and welsh parliament we are now unrepresented and sometimes resentful that certain scotsmen have so much power over us ! I do regret the break up of the union but it is a near fact so we need to look forward to the new looser partnership in the british isles in the context of a greater Europe without the possible encumberence of the incomprehensible Lisbon Treaty .
Thank you A Matthews for demonstrating how these matters can be debated.
I hope that I did not give anyone the impression that I think that the issues of the wish for an English Parliament, Immigration and the Lisbon Treaty are unimportant. They are all very important and should be debated.
The point I wish to make is that people can have very different views on the above topics and still find much in common on local issues like certain planning applications, the sewage works and the lorries that use Watery Lane when they should not be. Also I have found that when out campaigning even for a General Election that people will still want to talk about local issues too.
BTW, I am looking forward to seeing some of you “misguided loonies” in a very crowded council chamber on Tuesday Evening.
‘Misguided loonies’ – from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Fides quaerens intellectum
kim gandy now theres a blast from the past
look us up
“A Blast From the Past”? Isn’t Kim one of the local leaders of the English Democrats?
Hey everyone – Don’t complain and stop Kim expressing her views. Free Country and all that. Let’s just record every one of them and publicise during the NEXT election. That should do the job for us and prevent a repeat of the last one. RIP English Decomcrats ;0)