We know that many residents in the London road area have long been complaining that they need proper path access across to the primary school and Leisure Centre off Rawreth Lane. They’ve wanted a safe and healthy alternative to a car journey but been frustrated by the lack of progress in providing a route. The following e-mail (published with the individual’s permission) indicates some of the concerns that have been voiced;
May I make a suggestion, and improve the walkway/public footpath from Stirling Close to Rawreth Industrial Estate, to the primary school? I am totally against driving children to school, so this suggestion would help others in the area to walk. I do believe Essex County Council are trying to find new alternatives to getting children to walk to school, hence the walking bus. My son is one of 6 new babies down my road alone, so making this new access to the school would benefit many new children in the area. I have put this suggestion across to neighbours in the street who are all for it, as their children may attend.
Well, its been a long time coming but a council official has confirmed that we should expect a path to be constructed very soon and it should be ready for the start of the new school year in September, if not sooner.
If you have any comments to make on its route or useability once it’s laid we’d like to hear from you.
The path (Bridleway, Cycle, Walk) was agreed in 2001 when ECC passed the Park School site to RDC, but unfortunately due to the usual problems with the council it has taken until March 2007 to get the final legal agreement drawn up. The specification has now been passed to Wimpey who hope to have it done by July. It is to run between the School and Leisure Centre from the top of Priory Chase across the field into the corner of the Sweyne Park Bridleway over a new bridge. The original idea was that the horses would not need to use Rawreth Lane so much, but that was before the Asda store. Not sure if riders will find Priory Chase any safer than Rawreth Lane!