From the council website today:
Due to adverse weather conditions there will be no refuse/recycling collections today by Rochford District Council.
Residents should continue to leave their bins/ bulky items out for collection as crews will collect as soon as possible over the coming days, including the weekend.
If bins are not presented when the crews call we will not be able to go back to collect.Due to delays on green collections not all bins will be collected together and it could take several days for the crews to reach everyone, we appreciate your understanding with this matter.
It is intended that we will have caught up with the collections by Christmas Eve but this is dependant on weather conditions.We will continue to keep you updated with information via the council website at
Wow, collections of rubbish and green were due on Tuesday, no collection so far and the council website suggests it may not happen until next week or the week after!
Due to Christmas, collection due Saturday instead of Monday. Bins out since then, still not collected and now totally full. The bi-weekly collection using wheelie bins are fine for two weeks of rubbish, but now we are approaching the third week the bin bag in the house is going to be full soon as we no longer have outside dustbins to secure them against the local foxes, cats, etc. If I end up having to take it down to the tip (if it is indeed open over Xmas!) can I claim a rebate from Rochford District Council? No, thought not…
Further updated on 24th December 2009 @ 09:45. Collections from week commencing 21st December are scheduled from 28th December, weather permitting! However, compostable (green) bins will not be collected until week commencing 4th January 2010! After three weeks those green bins are going to be wheeling themselves to the kerb! Are Rochford District Council and SITA going to clean the insides as an apology? If Rochford District and EC Councils had gritted the roads sufficently, the dust carts could have got through, even if the bin operatives gritted the roads they travelled on which had not already been gritted, how’s that for a novel, multi-tasking approach?