We’ve just been advised by a resident of Downhall Park way that someone has removed drainhole covers in the road and either left them on the pavement or thrown them in the ditch.
He adds :
It goes without saying that this leaves a very dangerous hole in the road – it would cause a serious accident if your car went into one.
He is informing the police, we have advised County Highways.
Is it any wonder that the local residents are opposed to a Teen Shelter in the park – do you not think that we have enough problems already ? NO TO A TEEN SHELTER. And before any writes in to say how do I know it’s local youths – who else do you think does it – responsible adults who live in Downhall Park Way who get a bit bored after 11.30pm and can’t sleep ?
I absolutely agree with Rayleigh Resident……..DEFINITELY NO TO A TEEN SHELTER in Sweyne Park. We have enough trouble there as it is with local teenagers congregating there, setting off fireworks, drinking and causing a nuisance. I’m sure the police will agree as they’ve been called to the park often enough!
NO NO NO TO A TEEN SHELTER – Chris, as our local councillor can you please ensure that the proposed consultation is sent to everybody who could be affected by this – not just a few. Having been to a local parish meeting I do not trust RDC at all, I am convinced they will try to get this in by the back door. I urge all people local to the park ( and those on the “flight paths” to the park ) to oppose this – if it goes in it will never be removed.