From the District Council website:
Help raise money for the Meningitis Trust!
Becky Devonshire and Ruth Keetch are organising a Toddler Walk in aid of the Meningitis Trust at King George V Park in Websters Way, Rayleigh on Saturday 17th April 2010 at 2.00 pm. The Chairman of Rayleigh Town council will be opening this event.
If you are able to help by attending hopefully with your little angels and require a sponsorship form outlining all the details, please email You can also view the Meningitis Trust website on:
Want to help further? If you are in the Rayleigh area you can help us by placing the Meningitis Trust posters at your nursery or Mother & Toddler Group!
Toddle Waddle is a fun way for under 5s to do their bit to promote awareness of meningitis with their very own sponsored walk, or waddle!
In April 2010 it will be the 11th UK Toddle Waddle and, to date, nearly ?2.5 million has been raised to help the Meningitis Trust continue its vital work.
Some inspiring stuff on the Meningitus Trust here.
Can we get at least one onlinefocus reader to take part????? 🙂