Residents are all too familiar with the risk of flooding in the Rochford District. Luckily for them, our very own Cllr Chris Stanley has taken up the issue of flooding with government ministers on their behalf.
Cllr Stanley has had a meeting with a government minister today to discuss the issue of flood risk and flooding in our district. He has passed detailed information about the problem and will be having further meetings.
Cllr Stanley has discovered in the couple of years he’s been working as a District Councillor that the lead flood authority (ECC) maybe isn’t as knowledgeable as it should be, when advising on flood matters.
We will update this post as and when further information comes from central government.
Good work Councillor Stanley another above and beyond example of Chris’ dedication to the role, as it is not easy to get the ear of busy Westminster ministers!
Good Afternoon Chris, Thank you for all your efforts on this serious flooding problem, and I hope your meeting was successful, in going some way to solve this problem.
I hope it was a fairly Senior Minister, that you spoke with. However, could you let me know who it was, as I would like to see what impact He/She has made with this serious problem. Than you.
Hello Helen,
Thank you for your comment. We won’t be giving out the full detail on this at the moment as it is ongoing work. Once we have something more to report we will of course be updating our post.