We’ve just seen the schedule for next week’s Development Control committee.
– are all on the agenda and in each case the planning officers are recommending that the schemes should be refused.
We will be looking at the reports in more detail tonight and write a bit more in a day or so.
Excellent News!!! My lay-ins on a Saturday and Sunday until 7am remain!! Well, until ASDA put in appeal after appeal after appeal then go to Central Government and get their own way again!!
All 3 applications are totally anti-social. All 3 mean extra traffic and more noise and nuisance to those of us who live in Rawreth Lane. If all these 3 applications are refused this will be signs that RDC are actually listening to their residents and it will be a well deserved well done to Members…..but I’m not holding my breath!!
Today, there was an ASDA Delivery lorry parked before 6.30am in Priory Chase alongside ASDA car park. I will obviously be reporting it to RDC, but it looks like they’ll just do what they want, permission or no permission! At least it wouldn’t have disturbed you Corey, it was parked nearer the Rawreth Lane junction & moved off just after 7am.
Although awake at that time, I didn’t hear anything this morning.
This is a practice of ASDAs that must stop. They clearly have no regard for their neighbours, nor planning restrictions that have been imposed on them.
Personally I am grateful to your Steve for bringing this to the attention of RDC, both myself and my partner were beginning to feel that we were the only ones with cause to write/email in to them on a regular basis.
I just hope that when RDC finally get their act together and adopt the road, that a traffic warden will be in permanent residence to ticket those lorries that will still insist on parking up along Priory Chase. Perhaps then, ASDA will get the message.
Don’t automatically assume that because an application is recommended for refusal at this point, that it is 100 percent certain to be refused on the night.
There is always the possibility of further information coming to light, new representations being made by applicants etc. Also councillors do not make their minds up in advance of the meeting.
If you are particularly interested in one of these applications – either for or against – it may still be worthwhile you coming along to the meeting.
Surely if further information comes to light before the evening – this must be put out into the public domain before a council decision can be made? Otherwise what is there to stop someone putting an application in, witholding some information, is published as being put forward for refusal and then at the last minute comes forward with something that supports and pushes the application through.
Now that we know that all these 3 applications:
Asda early deliveries,
Makro early deliveries and openings,
and the golf club redesign resulting in 40 extra lorries per day EACH way,
are all up for discussion and decision next tuesday 24th June at the development Control Committee, we must ALL make our feelings known by filling the Council chamber on the night.
Then and only then will RDC members really understand how we, the residents, are affected by situations like this.
Are you sure that the Council Chamber is going to be big enough for all the concerned residents that are going to want to attend this meeting? Looks like it’s going to be an interesting night. Are there any other items on the agenda?
Yes Angelina , there’s a couple – windmill in Hockley and flats in Rayleigh – more about them later !