Any Thoughts On the State Of Sweyne Park?



by admin // in Rayleigh


In the last couple of months we’ve had a few complaints about the state of Sweyne Park – about the general tidiness of the place, high hedges etc. The District Council has recently changed over to a new contractor, and this probably caused some short-term problems.

Having a look round today things looked reasonably good now – although there’s some long grass by Downhall Park Way/ Bristol Close, a missing litter bin in the play areas and (predictably) some grafitti.

Any thoughts from anybody else on the park?

About the author, admin

  • I was walking passed a bus shelter in the village of Comberton in Cambridgeshire yesterday and I noticed an advert for a ‘Youth Centre double decker bus’ which visits villages in that area. I considered this to be a great idea and far better than a teen shelter. What do you think Admin?

  • Not sure the best place for this post but if you are one of the ignorant people that are letting their dogs poop all over the pavement in Downhall Park Way then stop it and clear up after your dog.

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