Another Good Event In Sweyne Park…




“Family Fun Day
Sunday, 10th July, 1pm-4pm

Sweyne Park Open Space,
Downhall Park Way, Rayleigh, SS6 9QP

Come and join the Friends of Sweyne Park Open Space for…

? Races and games for all ages
? Paul the Puppeteer
? Teddy bear hunt and treasure hunt
? Storytelling
? Children?s Book and Toy exchange

We didn?t get to do all the races at the Party in the Park so we thought we?d do them now! Put on your trainers and get ready to race! Alternatively, let your little ones get creative with some PVA glue while you feast on a BBQ and cakes!

For more information contact or ring Heather Meggison on 01702 318057.?

The last event was really very enjoyable. Let?s hope the rain stays away!

About the author, admin

  • And people can now cross the road safely now the pedestrian crossing is working. Well done to those who campaigned for this, to Rayleigh Town Council for being 100% behind this and those who pushed at County level. There are suggestions being made that some roads could be made into 20mph sections. Maybe the Teignmouth/ Exmouth rat run may be one in Downhall Ward. Any others? And the nettles have been cut back.

  • We have been pushing for some restriction on parking on this road but if residents feel a 20mph is wanted then your councillors can put this forward. Obviously it would require others to put forward a point of view as well.

  • I am afraid you are wasting your time campaigning for a 20mph speed limit in Downhall Park Way. why do you think that the dozen or so half wits that exceed 30mph will take any notice of a 20mph limit. This has been going on for years and it’s not only the morons who live on the estate. It’s also the local taxi and supermarket delivery drivers who think that 40+ mph is acceptable. Sorry to seem harsh but I am just being honest and practical. Maybe a concentrated effort by the police ( and a few tickets ) will stop it for a while, but only for a while….

  • Something has got to be done re the selfish parking on the DPW park bend and at the junctions of Salisbury Way and the road opposite.

    I had a very close near miss yesterday thanks to an idiot who was on the wrong side of the road doing over 40mph – granted his view was obscured by several of the regular culprits!


  • Couldnot agree more, the majority who go too quickly are probably residents given that there is only one way onto the development. However, we must do, or at least try to do, everything we can to ensure the safety of local community.

  • The right turn filter light from Rawreth Lane into DPW is still not functioning correctly. When I was waiting at the lights on Friday, the traffic lights stopped traffic in both directions on Rawreth Lane, instead of just stopping the west-bound traffic.

    Have put in a report on FixMyStreet.

  • I have spoken to some of the residents of the DHPW estate who have children at Downhall, (ie, the mums in the playground!). Ideally an elongated speed bump around the entrance to the park on “that” bend would be preferred to force people to slow down but failing that a 20mph speed limit might be beneificial. There is a 20mph limit on Victoria Grange – does that have any effect? Would be interesting to find out.

  • I would love to see a 20 mph limit in Downhall Park Way… now that older children on the development are growing up and driving themselves the number of cars using the road has increased dramatically… maybe there are those who will still exceed the limit but if the majority are driving at 20mph than surely the road has got be be safer.. we seem to forget that this road has not only a park but a primary school at the other end, this road is used morning and afternoon for drop off and pick ups at the school there are children walking to and from school so a 20 mph has my total backing…. and yes where are those yellow lines around the park extrance, give me a pot of paint and I will happily do them myself they have been far to long in coming, surely a set of lines can’t cost that much, perhaps Cllr Chapman at ECC Highways would like to come and do some traffic monitoring with one of our Ward Councillors who I am sure could point out the problems and rat runs!!!!

  • On the day we have a post about obese children why are mums using Downhall Park Way to take their kids to school in the car anyway ?. Re Speed Bumps – these are fine unless you live opposite and have to ensure cars braking and making increased engine noise as they accelerate away.

  • RR – it is quite possible that these mums using cars are then going onto work elsewhere? Also there seem to be a remarkable amount of children that attend Downhall that live out of catchment – and this may be why their mothers have to drive them too?

    When I was trying to get my daughters into their, some years ago, despite living just metres from the back of the school, I was told I was out of catchment! Talking to other mothers I was surprised that lots of them lived in Hockley, Hullbridge etc etc.

    I would happily assist in painting those yellow lines. Also happy to phone parking enforcement and get them to come and ticket those cars that are persistently obstructing!


  • There are lots of jobs / work about if you look – it just happens that it’s not the work that people want or feel matches their perceived status or skill level. I have just looked at the Job Centre web site – 250 vacencies within 5 miles of the SS6 postcode.

  • But how many are for 15 hours so benefits can still be claimed? There is also the problem that some applicants are being told they are over qualified. How many of these jobs are in care homes? But do accept the general point that there are certain people who are not willing to do the lower paid / dirty jobs. Not everyone can win x factor or be a footballer.

  • If you have the right attitude, and get off your backside, you can find work – end of. This is not some run down ( dare I say ) northern wasteland, it’s a very prosperous area. And by benefits do you mean sitting back and letting other tax payers subsidise your work avoidance lifestyle ?

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