The West Area Committee meets on November 25th at 7:30 pm.
This is just about the only meeting where Rayleigh and Rawreth residents can speak about the draft Local Development Framework and all the development associated with it.
The venue is Edward Francis Junior School, Rayleigh (facing Hockley Road).
Thanks Admin for the prior warning of this meeting. Anyone who was at the West Area meeting last year where the subject of development was on the agenda will know how important it is that as many residents as possible attend this meeting. It is the only chance we as residents have to demonstrate how we actually feel about the way our district is being urbanised. Please email any questions you would like to raise at the meeting, to Rochford District Council before the meeting. The Council will then have time to answer any questions, at the meeting.
Mike Nobes is absolutely right. The Central Area Committee is on Thursday (13 Nov) at 7.30 in Hawkwell Village Hall (on the B1013). As many people as possible should turn up to both meetings. Last week’s Eastern Area Committee in Rochford was very poorly attended,as I am sure was noted by RDC’s Chief Executive who was in the audience. We need to send a clear message about this inappropriate, unsustainable plan.
One small point, however,Mike. Cllr Keith Hudson does a presentation and then takes questions, so it is NOT necessary to send them in advance, on this occasion.
Well let’s just hope there isn’t a heavy rainfall on the 25th of November, one day of extra heavy rain, Watery Lane floods, extra traffic hits Rawreth Lane, that’s at a standstill, oh, and that’s before they have even built the 1,050 extra houses in the Parish of Rawreth. But then again, you could have gone along to the Rayleigh Leisure Centre to have a look at the Core Strategy Exhibition, no sorry, you couldn’t even do that as the Leisure Centre had flooded!!!!!!!!!! today’s events speak volumes, the roads this side of Rayleigh can’t cope as it is, so why make it worse, Rochford D C can’t even organise an exhibition in one of their own creations, so come on Rochford D C admit graciously that you have got it totally wrong yet again.
Just received the Rochford District Matters which is more or less dedicated to the Core Strategy. But I can’t see a mention of these meetings. Perhaps its hidden in the small print somewhere? Hardly surprising that only 19 members of the public attended in Rochford on 6 November. Why publish a community paper without these dates and places? Perhaps a member of the LDF Sub Committee could explain. Doesn’t the Council want direct feedback from the public?…………NO, not really obviously and certainly not face to face !!
The Hawkwell Action Group has just finished delivering leaflets to every home in Hawkwell West telling residents about the meeting at Hawkwell Village Hall this Thursday, 13th. Hopefully many will attend. I fear that there won’t be enough space for everybody if the record of two public meetings in Hawkwell is anything to go by. If that turns out to be the case and I suspect the majority will not be in favour of the plans for Hawkwell and the Hockley area, will that change anything? Perhaps someone could ask that question, “What do we have to do to stop this”?
I am quite sure that the Meeting on 25 November will be equally well attended as a vocally against but again what do you have to do to stop this?
I can’t see a mention of the area meetings either John!
….. neither does it give details of the actual proposals, so much of the public will be unaware of the impact on them. I suspect that is why so few people in Rochford attended their meeting last week. If this is a good plan, why does RDC seem so intent on obscuring the truth?