“Why we need a constitutional convention ? and why we have to build it from the bottom”




britain from space


Colchester Lib Dem Nick Barlow writes today about why we need a constitutional convention – and it mustn’t be one run by the current political system.

The question, then, is how do we do that? Do a few of us just get a room, a website, a Twitter feed, a Facebook page and whatever else and commence arguing, hoping others will join in and make the whole thing snowball? Or do we need to build widespread support first, then kick it all off with a storm of involvement and publicity? I don?t know, and I?m not a mood for laying down how everyone else should do something, so what are your thoughts? Which way round does it need to be done, or should we just sit back and trust in Westminster and the system to get it right this time?


About the author, admin

  • I don’t know how to go about this but leaving it too Westminster is not a viable option –
    The political class have no intention of rocking their own boat that is for sure……….

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