“unpleasantness, hypocrisy, threats and abuse”




blue rosette


The Echo has an interview with Independent Tory Councillor Toby Mountain here.

….Mr Mountain said: ?It is important to remember that at every level, we are the servants and not masters of those who elect us, transparency is paramount.

?Since I pushed the suggestion that there should be a higher level of democratic accountability and more transparent discussion and debate within the decision-making process of the ruling administration, I have been on the receiving end of unpleasantness, hypocrisy, threats and abuse.

?This is not what I signed up for.?

Mr Mountain explained in Tuesday?s meeting how an idea to increase parking charges throughout the week, along with the idea of Saturday charges, was put forward at a council awayday in January.

Members agreed to further discussion on the suggestions, but no debate was held until the full council meeting on January 28….


About the author, admin

  • Regardless of the issue in question , I applaud this man for attempting to represent the will of the people he represents – at no little cost to himself ( no doubt ).
    If politics in General could get back to an integrity based approach we would all be more satisfied ( or at least less disillusioned ) self serving Councils and Parliament.
    Well done Sir.

  • My hope for a ‘Rayleigh Spring’ is gathering momentum – a 2nd Councillor has resigned the Whip on principle. And almost nightly now there are letters in the Echo ,from people (inc a Cllr) recognizing the lack of Democracy in the RDC.

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