Two Rawreth Football Applications


There are two related planning applications at the moment relating to football at Old London Road Rawreth: Click on the red links below to find the details.

Application Number: 13/00727/FUL
Location: Land North Of A129 East Of A130, Old London Road, Rawreth, Essex
Proposal: Change of Use of Land From Agricultural to Use for 8no Football Pitches. Provide Area for Car Parking, Provide Three Storage Containers for Use as Changing Rooms and Toilets. ProvideTwo non-illuminated Signs to Site Entrance.
Applicants’s Name: Academy Soccer
Ron has asked for a site visit for this one.

Application Number 13/00767/ADV (this is an advertisment application)
Location: Land North Of A129 East Of A130, Old London Road, Rawreth, Essex,
Proposal: Provide Two non-illuminated Goal Post Type Signs to Site Entrance
Applicant’s name: Academy Soccer

As usual, Ron and Chris as District Councillors have to keep an open mind in advance of any planning committee meeting.

About the author, admin

  • I know Chris and Ron have to remain neutral pending planning committee meeting, however I have written objecting to this. It will increase traffic in Old London Road on match days, and it is dangerous enough for pedestrians already with no footpath being provided. It is also completely unfair to the residents, who already have to contend with the existing football pitches, to have more traffic, more noise, more litter. I can’t see that the parking will be anything like adequate, especially once coaches for visiting teams come into the equation, and where is any overflow going to park. Certainly on road parking there is not an option, far too dangerous.

    If this does go through I do hope, for the sake of the local residents, it is with restrictions on amount of use and they won’t have to contend with matches, evening practice, etc. etc. They do have a right to enjoy their homes in peace and quiet.

  • It is not a definitive location, could be a number of different fields
    you can see on Google Maps?.
    I know the existing (recently new)pitches in that area get unusable in the Winter (surface water)- so not optimum location for that purpose.

  • Jim, if you go to the Rawreth Parish Council website and look at the November minutes the field is better identified in them, along with size and number of pitches, parking and comments from residents at the meeting.

  • Not directly related to Academy Soccer application but be aware the Inspector’s
    Interim report basically removed the limited definition of where RTS&SClub is to
    be relocated to . There was a within ‘so many metres’ of the existing location, he has
    removed that and it now says maybe to the land to the West of it – who knows what
    that means? ( not to mention all the dark blue shown on the EA flood map!!!!!).

  • @1&2

    Dear Christine, this is a local amateur club who will be playing fixtures against other amateur clubs, team coaches/buses at this level of football, I won’t say don’t exist, but I’ve been involved in youth football for a decade now and I don’t recall seeing one single team arrive on a team coach!

    That aside I can understand your desire to protect your current way of life, what l I can say is that Academy Soccer is the most professionally run club in the area. I happen to live within 200 yards of where they currently play home matches and they are very respectful to local residents and manage the area (when in their control) to exemplary standards. They will look to engage with you and maintain a constant dialogue with yourself and other parishioners as the club want to work with the residents, not against them.

  • Kristian, I am delighted to hear you say that their standards are so high, and I am glad you have found them to be good neighbours. Unfortunately the local experience with the existing football pitches in the immediate area has not been so good. There has been noise, traffic problems, to the extent it is actually not safe to walk along Old London Road on a Sunday when players are heading to matches, such is the speed of the cars (this is my personal experience, others may disagree). Litter has been a constant problem, walk past those pitches after a Sunday match day and polystyrene cups, drink bottles, plastic bags etc. are everywhere. It has often taken complaints to the Parish Council Clerk before litter has been cleaned up. Given that scenario I am sure you can understand why local residents are not over keen on seeing more football pitches in the immediate vicinity to the current problems.

    If Academy Soccer get their planning permission I can only hope that your experience with them is repeated and they do turn out to be good neighbours.

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