There’s a page here on the District Council’s website where you can find a list of all planning enforcement enforcement cases where the district council is taking legal action.
Most of these involve a lack of a planning permission for something, but some of them relate to ‘untidy sites’, for example this is the most recent one on the website:
Type of Notice Section 215 Notice
Address Simla Restaurant 301 Ferry Road Hullbridge
Date of Issue 11th November 2009
Breach of Planning Control and Action Required : Untidy site adversely affecting amenity of the area.
The Notice requires:
1. Removal of all debris from the land to the rear of the restaurant building, including but not limited to the oil canisters, bottles and cans and general waste/litter
2. Removal of redundant refrigeration unit from the site, currently located along the rear elevation of the restaurant building
3. Replacement of the broken fencing on the southern and western boundaries of the site
4. Pruning of all overgrown vegetation and cutting the grass
Date Notice Takes Effect 11th December 2009
Period for Compliance Two months from the date
Quite often the District Council puts a condition on new houses preventing them from having roofspace turned into extra living rooms. Another recent enforcement action is over a house in Hockley granted planning permission back in 2003 where this condition is being breached:
Type of Notice Enforcement Notice
Address 87 Victor Gardens Hockley
Date of Issue 22nd October 2009
Breach of Planning Control and Action Required : Non-compliance with condition 4 of planning permission 03/00055/FUL
The Notice requires:
1. Removal from the first floor all domestic and other items unless the items are simply stored there and not in active use.
2. Permanent removal of the internal staircase.
3. Permanent sealing off the resultant void in the ceiling with suitable joists, ceiling board and loft access hatch
4. Removal of the three roof lights and restoration of the resultant voids with suitable materials and tiles matching the existing roof tiles
5. The use of the roof area for habitable use to cease
Date Notice Takes Effect 22nd November 2009
Period for Compliance Three months from the date the Notice takes effect ? by the 22nd February 2009
Let’s hope people take notice of these enforcements! I can see at least three breaches of planning consent – or rather “lack of it” just from where I sit typing at present!!
Unfortunately, residents and some tradesmen called to carry out building works, are wrongly advised or simply turn a blind eye to planning rules and regulations whilst others toe the line!!!!