Last summer we had a post entitled “Any Thought On The State Of Sweyne Park” -and it attracted 47 comments!
As we’ve had an email today from a resident about the park, it’s clearly about time we started a new post on the subject.
SO – any comments on the park?
I went for a walk today, the only problems were a broken bottle on the path in close to the wind machine, the hedges were very high 8 to 9 feet in most places.Is it possible for the council to look at traffic light phasing near Sweyne Park, and put them back to traffic reaction, I have noticed queues of traffic at times, if cars are parked on other side of road, it causes an obstruction to traffic entering Downhall Park Way, mainly around busy times. It can be really frustrating waiting 40 seconds, it does not sound long but at 6.30 am Sunday morning, I never used to stop as the lights would change, when I approached.
The kids play area isn’t looking too bad, except for the mini 4 x 4 car discussed in length last year. As soon as this was installed, the steering wheel and dash board were nicked. The council eventually replaced both and the second steering wheel was nicked almost over night, although the dash’ was left. Now the front and dash have gone. At this rate they’ll be nothing left at all. I would ask if they’re going to be replaced but is there any point?
I took the kids to the Cloverleaf playground on Sunday. As Richard says, the little 4×4 has been damaged again (bits stolen), and there is a large amount of grafiti on the seesaw and climbing frame/slide. Some of the matting is starting to break up, but nothing too serious.
The section of bridle path that we cycled home on seemed well maintained, and I noticed that the farmer had cut the hay last week.
When we arrived at the playground, some boys-in-blue turned up and asked if I’d seen any young kids on motorbikes. Moments before they arrived I heard some motorbikes start up near the playground, they obviously disappeared over the hill and out into the surrounding roads before the police could catch them. I have seen kids on motorbikes over the park on a number of occasions.
Good to see the police taking the motorbike issue seriously….
Don’t Know if anyone was aware but a few weeks ago a young boy about 10 years old cut his head open on the new climbing frame, and an ambulance had to be called and he was taken to hospital. The new climbing frame has ridges/hooks inside were a net or something sould be placed but this has never been put there, so any child at the same height as the hooks could be injured in the same way!
ASG – I was not aware of this, many thanks for the information.
I’m not sure whether anyone at the District Council was aware of this but I have emailed what you said to them and an officer will be visiting and checking the equipment.
Chris – Thank you for getting the climbing frame sorted, the missing net is now in place.