The Echo Reports on Asda




The Evening Echo’s latest article on Asda’s appeal is here.

About the author, admin

  • As a local resident (Downhall Park Way) I recognise the increased traffic the new Asda would bring. However there is a severe lack of shopping facilities within the area and so I welcome the development and support the appeal.

    I often work long hours and find that none of the local shops are open by the time I return home. This means I have to drive to Rayleigh Weir to buy a pint of milk. I think the new Asda would be a wonderful addition to Rawreth and I hope the council will consider everyone’s needs at the next appeal.

  • I fully support an Asda on the old Park School site, there has been much development over the past 12 or so years, Downhall Park Way, old Reads Nursury, McClean development behind Macros, but not one extra shop has opened, I find Rawreth Lane apart from shops on the corner which have a limited range of goods and can be difficult to park, the poor relation of Rayleigh. If you make a journey from Downhall Park Way in the Chelmsford direction, you do not pass any shops, you do not reach a petrol station, if going north until past Witham, I accept I can drive 3 miles into the Rayleigh Weir direction to fill up, but this is inconvienient and I do not have time, I am not suggesting there will be a petrol station with Asda but we need one. I hope the council will support everyone`s needs and think of the future. It may be Asda today, It could be Tesco in a few years on a much bigger scale.

  • Hi

    Yes, Miss Beer is right. She shouldn’t have to drive over to the Weir to get milk.

    However I don’t think I’ve met anyone yet who is against the principle of having any shops at all at the Park School site. Those who are against Asda’s current scheme are mostly concerned about the traffic and effect on Hullbridge and Rayleigh Town Centres.

    A “Tesco Express ” sized shop could have been usefully placed next to Rawreth Lane, with good access and parking – and indeed could still be usefully placed there. It would leave room for medical facilities and other ‘community uses’ that couldn’t afford to occupy land at residential prices. And it wouldn’t cause any noticeable traffic problems or impact on Hullbridge and Rayleigh Town Centre.

    We think the applicants know this. Because Asda are in partnership with Henry Davidson, who are a developer who specialise in ‘mixed use’ developments, and elsewhere they really are mixed use , not “90 percent Asda”. For example, in Northampton:

    Supermarket – Budgens
    Takeaway – Wokswagon
    Takeway – Starfish
    Health and Beauty – Latest
    Estate Agent – O’Riordan Bond
    Public Library – South Northamptonshire District Council
    Doctors Surgery – Daventry and South Northamptonshire PCT
    Pharmacy – J S Hooty
    Day Nursery – Childcare Corporation Ltd
    Residential – 8 apartments, one and two bed

    Also, the County Council and the District Council should stop dragging their heels over Hambro Parade and sort out some improvements. (Rayleigh Town Council has recently written to Essex CC to complain about this)

    Chris Black

  • Further to comments made above, I think all local residents recognise a need for local convenience shops BUT this application includes plans for an Asda supermarket that will bring a lot of traffic into Rawreth Lane. The outline planning consent was for ‘a neighbourhood centre to accommodate a range of uses valuable to the LOCAL community.’
    This planning application includes plans for an Asda supermarket with an anticipated turnover of £23 million. (Budgens in Hullbridge has a turnover of less than £3 million!). When reading all the info that Asda have put forward with this application it is obvious this supermarket is intended to serve an area FAR greater than can ever be considered as the local community. If allowed, it will have dire effects on shops in Hullbridage, Rayleigh & Hockley and bring traffic chaos to Rawreth Lane.
    Although Asda maintain that the planned supermarket would be one of their ‘smaller stores’, it is FAR, FAR, greater in size than the average ‘ ‘Tesco Express’ type convenience store!
    I hope all local residents realise the far reaching impact this store will have, if this planning application is permitted!

  • I would be interested to know the opening times of the proposed store. Would it be restricted on a Sunday like the large Tesco and Sainsbury’s stores or will it open later like the smaller stores.

  • I agree with chris black on this issue, albeit belatedly. Just got a letter hand delivered through my door on the subject. My kids and everybody elses who go to St. Nicholas CofE will be in danger from the extra traffic created. An articulated lorry is hardly likely to see a five-year-old running across the street after all! We wouldn’t mind a smaller store with a parade of specialist shops either. On the other hand I do not beleive Miss Beer would be so happy if she had children(do you?), or if she opened her curtains to it every morning. Get a milkman!

  • Hi Justin,
    Just seen your response re Asda. Hope you’ll take the time and trouble to write to the Inspector with your concerns. Please remember to send three copies & it has got to be rec’d by them before 1st Novemeber.

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