Thursday 4th July is Independents Day – a celebration of indie traders? in the UK.
In Rayleigh this means indies? like? Feathering Your Nest , Squires, The Gift Shop, Daisy Lanes, Courts Florists, The Art Shop, Alba Rose, Queens Fish & Chips, Grouts, The Ruby Rooms, Headlines etc.
Some will have special offers……
To quote the Telegraph:
?Every successful high street needs a catalyst that starts making people want to come there,? he argues, ?and independent shops can be that catalyst. If you want a new idea on the high street, you?ll probably find it in an independent.
This is news to me:
Interesting. I knew they had bought several of the old Blockbuster stores but I would have thought they would have wanted somewhere with better on site parking than they’ll have there. If it does go ahead bound to hurt both Co-op and Iceland, but that end of the High Street is looking a bit sorry for itself at the moment, quite a few empty shops. Morrisons being there might encourage other people to take on one of the empty shops as they are bound to increase the people using that end of the High St.