Signs Application Recommended For Refusal

The application from Virgin Leisure for extra signage around Rayleigh Leisure Centre is being recommended for refusal by officers. Unless any councillor ‘calls it in’ by next Wednesday, it will be refused.

You can download the officers report here (75kb).

The reason for refusal is given as :

The proposed freestanding signs because of their significant size, would be an intrusive advertisement to each proposed location. If allowed the signs would be an overly dominant and an incongruous addition to each location which would be detrimental to the visual amenities afforded to the street which in the case of the Rawreth Lane/ Priory Chase location is some distance form the Leisure Centre.

Incidentally , there seems to have been some confusion over what the application included. To quote from the beginning of the report:

Advertisement consent is sought for 2 no. double sided non illuminated freestanding signs 4000mm high x 1600mm wide.
The application was revised during the validation process, which has resulted in the initial description being used on correspondence to statutory consultees and surrounding neighbour consults. This initial description was as follows: 3 no. double sided non illuminated freestanding signs 4000mm x1600mm and 3no.double sided directional lamp post signs 1200mm high x 500mm wide, hung 3m from pavement level. It is highlighted that this application only seeks advertisement consent for 2 no. double sided non illuminated freestanding signs, with one located on the junction of Rawreth Lane and Priory Chase and the other in front of the Leisure Centre Building on Priory Chase.

One comment from a member of the public was pretty blunt about the appearance of the Rayleigh Leisure Centre:

We do not have to be reminded of the whereabouts of the Leisure Centre, its sheer size, hideous colour and ugly architecture is apparent for all to see.

Declarations of interest : Chris Black is a member of Virgin Leisure , Jackie Dillnutt lives nearby.

About the author, admin

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