RDC Plans Cut Adrift for Beagle Anchor Project




The Overview and Scrutiny met last night and one item to be discussed was that of the Portfolio
Holder for IT, Tourism, Housing and Parking made on 20 April 2022

To agree that the unspent reserve of up to £13,755.18 set aside for the Beagle Event be made available to fund activities associated with the re-location, conservation and promotion of the HMS Beagle anchor working with Paglesham Parish Council to create a permanent monument in the village.

Overview and Scrutiny Report

The committee wasn’t as convinced that this was a good use of public money and questions were asked about the provenance of the anchor and the fact that there were no costing associated with the proposals by Pagelsham Council.

Our Councillor, James Newport made a recommendation that the funding be split between the original request and Rayleigh Museum to put together an exhibition on the HMS Beagle so that those unable to visit Paglesham (1 1/4hr by bus) have an opportunity to learn more about this aspect of local history. Another suggestion by a member is that a ‘roadshow’ be put together for local schools.

The committee recommended to the portfolio holder that costings were obtained for the Parish Councils proposals so that the committee could make further recommendations on how the unspent monies are allocated.

About the author, Editor

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