The Chairman of Rayleigh Town Council has called out ‘low lives’ on social media after more mindless vandalism has occurred to the flowers baskets on railings in Eastwood Road.
In a post on the social media platform ‘Nextdoor’, the Council Chairman went on to say
I would like to thank (not) those low lives who thought it fun to tip over the planters last night/this morning. We work extremely hard to make the town a lovely place to live in and to start the week is just demoralising! Anyone with information please contact the council office on 01268 741880. Thank you
Responding to the post, some residents felt that CCTV would help identify the culprits with others pointing out that it (CCTV) doesn’t appear to be a priority for Town Council (well it is going on 3 years since they initially looked at a new system). Perhaps the importance of the blooms will outweigh public safety and they might spring into action and get some action on CCTV as they have some of the funding in place from the District Council?
Meanwhile, there doesn’t appear to be a slow down in the District Council handing out premises licences in the town centre so we can only predict that with the absence of a police presence and the mix of alcohol, there is a perfect storm for more antisocial behaviour instances. After all, the Chairman says that Rayleigh Police Station doesn’t have any active police officers… we wonder if the officers in the station are aware yet?