Portfolio Holder for Planning lacks confidence in Officers Plans for Gypsy and Travellers Sites




Portfolio Holder for Planning, Cllr Ian Ward, has issued a statement yesterday regarding the consultation for Gypsy & Travellers sites in the district.

Cllr Ward states that “there is a need for further work to be carried out to fully understand the need for traveller pitches in the district……

This is a turn of events, as just as it seems the District Council was taking some positive action on dealing with the illegal and unplanned travellers sites, the consultation is being recommended to be withdrawn.

This could be a hugely embarrassing and unnerving situation for the Conservative portfolio holder. The obvious alarm and distress, this caused many residents within Lodge ward, which sparked a well supported petition and compounded with the fact the May elections are just days away with his seat up for grabs, he could potentially feel the wrath of local residents.

If we were to do cynicism then perhaps this statement is a vain attempt to fight off any criticism?

About the author, Editor

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