Paul Warren Interview




Paul Warren, the Chief Executive of the District Council, is interviewed in Rochford Life here.

There’s some useful stuff here if you are trying to learn the nuts and bolts of how the council works. For example:

RL: Now you have some two hundred plus people underneath you?
Paul: Yes, it?s a result of some of the organisational change that we do about every two or three years and as a result of some of the budget requirements that we?ve now got. We?ve reduced the number of staff to just over two hundred. If you look at the organisation, there is the core staff employed by the Council of just over two hundred and then, in addition to that, we have a number of external providers who provide services on behalf of the Council in a number of areas, such as refuse collection, leisure provision, grounds maintenance, IT service provision. These are all provided by private companies who work with us on what we call partnering contracts.

About the author, admin

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