Tomorrow evening councillors should receive copies of the draft of the “Local Development Framework” document. We expect that the draft document will appear on the council website on a day ot two, probably here.
On October 14th the sub-committee meets to discuss it.
On October 15th the document will go to a meeting of the full council.
If the document is approved – and it’s unlikely that it won’t be, the document will then go out for public consultation. The council will have static exhibitions in various parts of the district. The initial intention from officers is to have Rayleigh’s exhibition at the Rayleigh Leisure Centre. We think it’s a good idea to have one there – but we also think that there should be an extra one in Rayleigh Town Centre and have asked for that.
I heartily agree! If shown in the town everyone gets an equal chance of getting to see this document. Very important for those not having access to a computer. We all need to read this document, & make our comments. Come on “Rayleighites”, don’t be overwhelmed with apathy!
There will be a lot of questions needing answers again so I hope that this gets all the publicity and presentations possible. Maybe the Cabinet will earn their large increases and be available to take and answer questions.
Surely Rayleigh MUST have a presentation in the town centre, this affects us as much as any other area in the district, but may the council have an aversion to talking to Rayleigh residents, after last year!
You’re absolutely right Janet and Mike, this really does affect Rayleigh – BIG TIME.
We, in Rawreth, are kicking up a stink because, not only do we not exist on the Local Development Framework papers and the Officers and RDC Councillors have repeatedly refused to state that these houses are actually in Rawreth and not Rayleigh, but, also because this development is double the amount of houses we already have in Rawreth at the moment.
Surely not “fair shares”, we believe 10% approx 40 houses is, in fact, fair.
The reason why this development would affect Rayleigh so much is because the A129 London Road would be continually congested, as will Rawreth Lane, and your access into and out of Rayleigh Town Centre will be severely curtailed. Can you imagine how this will affect the shops and residents of Rayleigh?
So, “Rayleighites”, come on, come with us and fight
hard to get a fair share of the housing quota.