How To Find The “North Of London Road” Application Online

The application for housing “North of London Road” is now online.


You can find it by going to the District Council Website here and then typing in the application number 14/00627/OUT or just “London Road”. Then just click on the link that comes up:


When you get to the application you will see there is a lot of information,. Here’s a few early observations:

1. This is an outline application. That means that most of the details will be decided later in a ‘reserved matters’ application. The only thing to be definitely decided is the road access to the site.

2. The title of the application is as follows:

“Outline Planning Application (with all Matters Reserved apart from Access) for the erection of Residential Development with associated Open Space, Landscaping, Parking, Servicing, Utilities, Footpath and Cycle Links, Drainage and Infrastructure Works, and Primary School. Provision of Non-Residential Floorspace to Part of Site, Uses including any of the following: Use Class A1(Retail), A3(Food and Drink), A4(Drinking Establishments), C2(Residential Institutions), D1a(Health or Medical Centre) or D1b(Cr?che, Day Nursery or Day Centre).”

3. There is no date set for the when it will come to committee – probably November or December.

4. Neighbour consultations are supposed to be completed by September 24th.? You can leave comments by clicking on the tab marked ‘plans and comments’ and then following the instructions:




5. To read the planning application itself, click on the tab marked ‘plans and comments’,then click on ‘view associated documents’ and then click on “Redacted – Planning application Form”:


6. The applicants say that the land is within an area at risk of flooding, but say that it will not increase the flood risk elsewhere,

7. Their form indicates that there will be 325 houses to be sold at market value, 140 social rented housing and35 intermediate housing, giving a total of 500.


… and that’s just what’s in the application form, there’s a lot of other stuff to read , including Countryside’s supporting documents….which we will look at in the next few days.




About the author, admin

  • Thanks Chris , will take some time to absorb / comment – but interesting that road access is right up front ( not a reserved matter ) , and people this is the single most important item because ……

    Simple T junctions into Rawreth Lane and London Rd ( think about ) allow traffic entering or leaving the site to cross the flow of traffic – ie:- at rush hour, if nothing
    else it should be one way in and one way out ( a simple LH turn – flowing into the
    Stream not crossing it ). Or better yet a new roundabout half way between Rich Lee
    and Bedloes Corner giving East-West access into the new site and no impact on Rawreth Lane and London Rd.

  • I have yet to study the application BUT everyone must be aware that if this ‘ Outline planning ‘ application get approval it will be done and dusted the planned 500 buildings will be built. NOW IS THE TIME TO OBJECT DO NOT LEAVE IT THINKING YOU CAN ARGUE LATER. Rayleigh Action Group will be giving advice on possible objections. Also note this application is for 500 dwellings on just two thirds of the original SER1 site which could lead to an eventual 750 unit s when the rest of the area is submitted. With a further 279 planned for the Rawreth Industrial site. If you, like me, have been sitting in traffic jams today you can unfortunately look forward to more misery courtesy Rochford Tory Councillors Development plans.

  • As to road access I believe thhat there needs to be an access road directly onto the A1245/A129 roundabout (regrettably across further greenbelt) coupled with improved road layots even full scale roundabouts on Rawarth lane at Bedloes Corner and Hambro Hill

    These are a direct result of this development………..wider issues as to the flow of traffic along the A129 up to the High Street and Watery Lane/along Lower Road to Ashingdon need addressing and a part of a general overhaul by ECC

    Fun times ahead

  • Plans and Comments opens and list documents – but they will not open, tells me I’ve timed out -return to home , tried that several times. Anyone else have this issue or is it just me?…Tar -JIM.

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