From the District Council website:
From Monday 28 December, SITA crews will be collecting the bins which were unable to be collected during the week commencing 21 December. However, there will be no collections of compostables until the week commencing 4 January 2010.
Residents are asked to not leave their compostables bins out for collection until the week commencing 4 January, however, if resident?s compostables bins are full before this time then compostable material will be accepted in the Non Recyclables purple lidded bin. Please note that this is a one off arrangement due to the disruptions that have been experienced and residents should by no means continue to put their compostables into their Non Recyclables bin after this time.
Why is it that on the councils own website, comments have been turned off on the ‘bin news’ article?
That is a very good question.
Comments were turned off last week on the gritting article because RDC felt that they should be directing people towards the County Council website as it was a county matter…..
But recycling is a district council issue…..
has this to say on the matter:
Your household refuse collections and kerbside recycling schemes are carried out by your local District or Borough Council, not Essex County Council. We don’t have the details of local collection days or local schemes.
We notice that the District Council website has also closed comments for the piece where they wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year….