From the BBC website yesterday:
Simple actions to help protect homes in England from flooding are still being ignored by government, MPs say.
The Commons environment committee said ministers were not addressing what it called the fragmented, inefficient and ineffective flood management.
Areas of concern include flood impact home insurance, building rules and local authority planning decisions.
The government rejected the criticism, saying it had accepted many previous suggestions on flooding from the MPs.
The committee’s comments are the latest in a running tussle between MPs and the environment department Defra.
The MPs admit that flooding has risen up the government’s priority list, and say “considerable work” on flooding is being done across Whitehall. But they complain that ministers are still ignoring reasonable demands…..
Full report here
The BBC has become nothing more than a leftie organisation run by communists. You only have to watch any news coverage, particularly of President Trump, to realise this.
Well perhaps not communists but certainly by people called Tristan and Rupert who, of course, cycle to work ( from their home in trendy places like Shoreditch etc ) wearing brown cords, sandels and mauve socks.
Oz, if you don’t want to rely on the BBC for information on Trump, can I recommend an American CONSERVATIVE website called “Outside the Beltway”? I’ll add some quotes and links below. They also included a video made before the election by a real leftie Michael Moore , that predicted that Moore would win and explained why (I might post it separately):
As with so many things, the President is demonstrating that he really doesn’t know what he is doing and his ignorance could cause some serious problems for the long haul.
Trump seems to have a very poor grasp of even rudimentary economic concepts.
Days before President-elect Donald Trump is set to take the oath to uphold the Constitution, he has followed through on a more painful obligation: coughing up $25 million to settle litigation over his defunct Trump University real estate seminar program.
There is no benign explanation for President Trump’s false assertion that millions of people voted illegally in the last election. It is either a deliberate attempt to undermine faith in the democratic process, an exhortation to those who favor new restrictions on access to the ballot box or the worrisome trait of someone with immense power willing to make wild statements without any credible evidence.
George Will has aptly described Donald Trump’s first address to the nation as its president as “the most dreadful inaugural address in history.â€
I was able to listen to only the first few minutes before going off to a meeting but that was more than enough to be appalled. I came in with the lowest of expectations; it was worse than I could have imagined. It began with promise:
It’s after 1 am Eastern Time and, while it’s not yet over, it’s looking like the racist ignoramus Donald J. Trump has defied all odds and been elected President of the United States.
“I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,†Trump says. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.
“And when you’re a star, they let you do it,†Trump says. “You can do anything.â€
“Whatever you want,†says another voice, apparently Bush’s.
“Grab them by the p—y,†Trump says. “You can do anything.â€
Taken from the Biased Broadcasting Corporation web site as well…so not everyone in Rayleigh & Wickford shares the views of the protesting little snowflakes…