From the District Council website:
The Flooding Advisory Group Meeting that was due to convene on Wednesday , July 23, has been postponed.
The meeting brings groups such as Anglian Water, Essex Highways and the Environment Agency together with the Council to discuss measures that need to be taken.
Cllr Terry Cutmore, the Leader of Rochford District Council and Chairman of this committee, said: ?We have been advised by the Environment Agency that they will not be able to send the appropriate engineers to this meeting at this time as they have to work around the clock to try to resolve urgent matters resulting from the recent storms.
?Essex County Council, the specific flood authority, is similarly stretched. We are of the view that the immediacy of this urgent work must take precedence and have therefore decided to postpone our meeting.
?The District Council?s desire to ensure that all relevant authorities come together to determine the way forward to assist with surface water flood amelioration remains as strong as it has ever been; we have already been instrumental in encouraging other organisations and individuals to resolve some of the surface water drainage problems afflicting parts of our community and we intend to continue to build on this success.?
Of course if I were of a cynical turn of mind I could think this was to avoid coming face to face with a lot of very angry and irate constituents after the events of the weekend. I’m sure though that never crossed their minds.
But it should mean that problem areas have been identified, should have been known already, and plans prepared to put these right could before the rearranged meeting. A programme of proper clearing of ditches would be a good start. This to become an annual event to maintain clearance. Ohhps common sense. So no chance.