“Flabbergasted” Rawreth Parish Council Fights Back




Here’s an extract from the minutes of the last Rawreth Parish Council meeting:


A lengthy discussion took place with the Members and it was stated that the Council are flabbergasted at what has gone on at RDC. Members felt that both officers and members of RDC had been dishonest and it has taken them months to acknowledge Rawreth exists and this had only now been done through sheer persistence and probably as a result of appearances of Councillors and residents at LDF meetings. It was also noted that the feelings of the Council had been expressed in a letter to RDC, but this had not been replied to or even acknowledged and in all the Parish and the Council had been dealt with appallingly. It was agreed that the proposals put forward by RDC would do nothing for the Village and would be of no benefit, it was also mentioned that the industrial sites new location had not been mentioned but it was quite likely that it would be in the Parish as well.

Councillors expressed concern at the threats by Government that if areas aren?t specified by RDC, they will have no say and the Government will make the choice for them. Many sites have been put forward across the District but it was noted by members that only 20 sites had been visited by LDF members and that they had chosen the sites they would visit. This showed members that many landowners who put land forward for development had been brushed aside, even if they offered brownfield sites as opposed to greenbelt. …..

So Rawreth Parish Council are now going into campaign mode:

  • Issuing their own leaflet to residents. If you can help them deliver 100 or 200 of these please email Hayley Bloomfield the Parish Clerk at clerk.rawrethparishcouncil@btinternet.com
  • Manning the Council Exhibition. The District Council have a small ‘exhibition’ about the proposals at Rayleigh Leisure Centre, however it doesn’t explain very much. Rawreth Parish Councillors are going to attend there on SATURDAY 13th DECEMBER from10am until 2pm and SUNDAY 14th DECEMBER from 10am until 2pm to explain to residents what is really proposed.
  • Creating their own exhibition. The Parish Council are having their own exhibition at the village hall on SUNDAY 23rd NOVEMBER from 10am until 2pm and SUNDAY 7th DECEMBER from 10am until 2pm. At these exhibitions they intend suggesting alternative ideas which will enhance the village community of Rawreth, and minimise development on a large scale to the west of Rayleigh.
  • About the author, admin

  • Hayley, any help needed, please let me know. Shirley and I will deliver any leaflets that need to be posted. The proposal by RDC has implications for Rayleigh as much as for Rawreth, Hope you will be at the West Area Committee meeting.

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