Drugs in Rochford




Drug dealing in Rochford was discussed at the recent East Area Committee. According to the Echo:

POLICE investigating drug dealers in the Rochford area believe a small victory has been won with the closure of a site suspected of being used for dealing.

Officers had received several allegations of drug dealing from a piece of land behind Mason’s Bar, in North Street, Rochford.

Young people had been seen hanging around in the overgrown area and it was believed drugs were being sold to them there.

Now the bar – formerly the Old Ship pub – has closed down and the area has been fenced off by developers, the problem seems to have disappeared.

However, in response to questions from Rochford district councillors, Insp Andy Parkman, from Rochford police, told the East Area committee the dealer had probably moved elsewhere…

The complete report is here.

Incidentally, it’s good news that the Echo is now covering all of the area committee meetings.

About the author, admin

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