Development Committee 11/1/18




There is one undoubtedly big application coming to development committee on the 11th January – Timber Grove with a proposal of 83 dwellings

The full agenda is available here 

416/00899/FUL – Timber Grove, London Road, Rayleigh To consider an application for the demolition of an existing care home and all other buildings; the erection of 83 dwellings comprising 2no. two-bed houses, 25no. three- bed houses, 14no. four-bed houses, 3no. five-bed houses, 29no. one-bed flats (including 4no. ‘FOG’ units), and 10no. two-bed flats; the erection of 3 no. four-bed supported living units; associated parking and landscaping; stopping-up of the existing access, and the improvement of the existing access to London Road.

17/00922/FUL – 3 Abbey Close, Hullbridge To consider an application to construct a part single storey, part two storey side extension.

17/01027/FUL – 4 Cagefield Cottages, Stambridge Road, Stambridge To consider an application for a single storey front extension.

15/00244/FUL – Halcyon Park, Pooles Lane, Hullbridge To consider an application to construct an additional access to serve the holiday park onto Kingsman Farm Road.


About the author, Editor

  • More proposed housing in West Rayleigh? Really? London Road is already at capacity without the already approved housing. Is the infrastructure going in 1st? We are already at walking pace during rush hour.
    Lots of green space in Ashingdon, why not start using some of that and spread the new developments faulty throughout the district?

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