“Community Engagement For Rayleigh”




From the District Council website:


About the author, admin

  • Although billed as “local plan” content this agenda suggests a narrower ‘ what
    it means to the Town centre ‘ approach – obviously not a bad thing , but I fear
    it will not address the impact on the residential areas.
    Clearly 10-15 years of site construction traffic ( materials and workforce ) will
    mean a loss of Civic Amenity to residents living anywhere near London Road,
    Rawreth Lane, Hullbridge Road, Hambro Hill , Downhall Road . In fact access to the Town itself in the absence of any local traffic management plan / rules –
    This is not a short term inconvenience issue it is 10-15 years.

    • Jim,

      Glad it wasn’t just me who felt that this consultation omitted to address the surrounding areas around the town.

      What about Glasses Lane? What about the Weir? What about Castle Road? What about London Road, What about Down Hall Road? – All these areas need to be thought about.

      Sitting on the planning committee I’ve noticed plans to develop more flats in the town centre, removing light industrial/retail areas – yes we need more housing but in the town centre that’s already at gridlock most of the time. A NO from me I’m afraid.

      I’m not sure if Cllr Ward, mentioned any commitment from the council on this yesterday as my visit was shorter than I had hoped…. perhaps you could enlighten me.

      Congratulations on putting forward your plan for construction vehicle management – let’s see if it falls on deaf ears.

      • James – not mentioned formally , but in general conversation ‘development of the old Dairy area ‘ is on the cards apparently.
        As to my suggestions on Construction Traffic ( for 10-15 years ) Management
        that will get as far as Mr Scrutton and then get binned – the man has no vision, years of institutional thinking preclude spotting the obvious.
        Let’s be honest the scale of the Local Plan is enormously difficult and cannot
        be perfect in all respects but it does’nt help that the decision making is driven and made by amateurs – such is our outmoded form of local governance.

  • Does anyone know if there is likely to be another opportunity to engage in this Community Consultation?
    As many people as possible need to have the chance to be involved, & have a say on future plans that will impact on all Rayleigh Residents in one way or another!
    Although the cynical side of me wonders if the “powers that be” will take any notice?
    I was not able to attend Thursdays meeting, but as someone who lives at the lower end of Rayleigh, & has to cope with regular gridlock, it would be good to be involved. I also remain loyal to the town as my shopping venue of choice, so have a vested interest in seeing that we retain a mix of outlets.
    Many thanks.

  • I attended today’s “workshop” and did get the feeling they are trying something different in order to connect with the public – another evening
    session ( to capture people who work ) is in the offing.
    The content was somewhat limited but they did invite comment/ suggestions
    and that got a debate going on Infrastructure issues ( although a bit of a cop out by saying ECC are the authority on Health / Education/ Highways ) not the Town Council or RDC Planning.
    Biggest discussion related to the fears that 10-15 years of Site Construction traffic will have on our already problematic roads would heavily impact Rayleigh and it’s environs. The main point being that no party has attempted to model / assess the level of site construction traffic and measures to mitigate it via traffic management plans imposed on Developers.

  • I too attended the “workshop” and was disappointed by the turnout, half of whom were District Councillors and Town Councillors. The presentation was not slick enough and as pointed out concentrated on the Town Centre, but largely dismissed the major issues around traffic management, citing ECC as the lead authority, (as they are for Education and Health) so why aren’t ECC and our County Councillors invited to and part of the discussion.

    I think most of us are thoroughly pi**ed off with this “its not our fault,

    it’s the government,
    it’s Essex
    it’s the Planning Inspectorate.

    Excuse me, we have a Conservative Government, Two Conservative MP’s, A Conservative County Council, and a Conservative District Council

    Why can’t they get a joined up strategy ?

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