Castle Road Flats Recommended For Refusal




An application for 12 one-bedroom flats on the site of the old Rayleigh Fire Station is being recommended for refusal by officers. Unless it is ‘called in’ by a district councillor, by 1 pm, Wednesday, the refusal comes into effect.

You can download the officers report here – (2213k) – it’s the second item.

Here’s some extracts from the report:

The proposal is for the demolition of the existing fire station building and tower and for the construction of a two storey building with rooms in the roof area to form 12 one bedroomed flats. The building would rise to a maximum height of 9.27m and minimum height of 8.9m. The building would be of a square form with side elevations measuring 33.2m long and the front and rear elevations measuring 32.8m long. It would be predominately pitched roofed with a flat section in the centre of the roof area.
Two disabled parking spaces are proposed to the front elevation and one within a parking area to the rear. The parking area to the rear would border the properties in Moat rise and a further nine parking spaces would be provided in this area. This parking area would be accessed via a private drive leading from Castle Road alongside the eastern elevation of the building. The amenity area would be immediately to the rear of the flats with a small grassed area also proposed to the front elevation. A bin enclosure is also proposed measuring 4.2m wide, 16m deep and 6.8m high with a pitched roof.

Local residents have raised concerns about insufficient parking and the impact such inadequacy could have on Moat Rise and the neighbouring community centres. Looking at Moat Rise, which is a narrow local street, it appears possible that insufficient parking could have a detrimental impact on this street in particular with visitors of the flats likely to use this road rather than the public car park nearby if unable to park within the site.
ECC Highways department have not objected to the proposal but have suggested that a number of planning conditions be attached to an approval. One of these requires a total of 15 parking spaces rather than the 12 shown on the plans (11 usable) to be provided. Based on the likely realistic concerns highlighted by residents of Moat Rise and the condition suggested by ECC Highways, irrespective of the sites proximity to the town centre and a public car park, it is considered that the 11 usable spaces provided would not provide sufficient parking provision at this site and that 15 spaces, 12 measuring 5.5m x 2.9m and 3 in accordance with the disabled space size criteria should be provided here. The cycle space provided would also need to be increased to provide 2 extra spaces for visitors and space for 2 powered two wheeler vehicles would also be required.
Whilst such provision could potentially have been controlled by planning condition requiring more spaces to be provided, the site already has reduced amenity space and insufficient bin storage sizing, therefore it would not be possible to impose such a condition without further reducing the amenity space provision. The lack of parking provision here, combined with the reduced amenity space provision and bin storage sizing is again tantamount to overdevelopment of the site.


Officers Recommendation:

1 Due to the height including the two and a half storeys proposed, forward projection on the site, and overall scale and mass of the flats proposed, the development is considered to be out of character with neighbouring development and the street scene and would subsequently have a detrimental impact on visual amenity contrary to part (viii) and (x) of policy HP6 and parts (iii) and (iv) of policy HP11 of the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan 2006.
2 The design of the proposed flats, due to the poor and unresolved architectural composition, the unattractive and unresolved use of materials, the flat roof proposed to the top of the flatted scheme and the size and style of the dormers proposed including extending the wall planes upwards, would appear as unattractive building forms, style and design subsequently detrimental to visual amenity and contrary to the good design expectations of residential development within the NPPF, policy CP1 of the Core Strategy and policy HP6 of the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan 2006.
3 The proposal by virtue of the 6 bedroom windows located on the side elevation (west) and the two Juliet balconies with windows at first and second floor level located on the rear elevation have the potential to create unacceptable overlooking to no.82 Castle Road contrary to part (viii) of policy HP6 of the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan 2006. A planning condition requiring these windows to be obscure glazed and fixed shut below a height of 1.7m would create an unacceptable internal living environment for the proposed dwellings with the potential for limited, if any, ventilation and light to these rooms.
4 The proposed layout, by virtue of the parking of vehicles alongside the rear boundaries of the modest rear garden areas within Moat Rise would have the potential to create disturbance in the form of noise, light and petrol fumes to the detriment of the occupiers of these properties and contrary to part (i) and (ii) to policy HP11 of the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan 2006.
5 The proposal is considered to amount to over-development of the site. The proposal for 12 flats on the site, each with the necessary parking, cycle and powered two wheeler provision, amenity space and bin storage, has resulted in the inability to comply with the policy requirements of such a sized development contrary to part (iii) and (v) of policy HP6 and part (iv) of policy HP11 of the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan 2006, Supplementary Planning Document 2 and the Parking Standards: Design and Good Practice Supplementary Planning Document adopted December 2010.

About the author, admin

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