Can You Be An Active Friend Of Sweyne Park?



by admin // in Rayleigh


The Friends of Sweyne Park Open Space in Rayleigh are looking for new members who would be prepared to serve on the committee and help organise events in the park.
Over the past 3 years the group have carried out litters picks, nature walks, teddy bears picnics and organised 2 successful ?Party in the Park? family events that have been well attended by local residents.
The group have recently held their Annual General Meeting which was rather poorly attended. It is feared that without new committee members to help organise these events, the group will not be able to continue and this in turn will be a loss to the local community.
Anyone interested in joining the committee or prepared to help organise events in the park should contact Heather Meggison on 01702 318057 or email by 1 March 2013.

About the author, admin

  • It’s a familiar story. Voluntary groups often just don’t get enough people to volunteer.

    But the Friends Group have created some great events in the last couple of years and it would be a real shame if the group withered away.

    We all have busy lives nowadays , but I do hope that a few readers of onlineFOCUS could get involved here.

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