Cafe and Takeaway At Rawreth Industrial Estate Refused Permission




The District Council have just refused planning permission for a cafe and takeaway at Unit 7 . Westfield Close, Rawreth Industrial Estate.
The reason for refusal is:

The proposal by way of the subdivision of the unit and the introduction of a caf? (Use Class A3 to the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order 1987 as amended) would intensify the use of the site and give rise to increased traffic from customers to the caf? for which there is inadequate land within the applicants control to provide for the off street parking required to serve both units created and the cafe proposed. If allowed the proposed caf? would result in increased congestion and on street parking on the adjoining road network causing obstruction to the free flow of traffic and servicing of nearby commercial premises to the detriment of highway safety and the economic function of those nearby premises.

This was dealt with on the council’s weekly list – it didn’t come to committee.

You can download the full officers report here.

About the author, admin

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