The Echo reports this morning:
CAMPAIGNERS are urging a superstore to guarantee it will not stay open for 24 hours.
The Asda store in Rawreth Lane, Rayleigh, has the option to trade around the clock without permission from Rochford District Council because there is nothing in the planning conditions preventing it.
Neighbours in Rayleigh are worried that if the supermarket, which opened at the end of October, decides to do this, it will lead to increased night-time traffic around the store and constant glaring light from its signs.
Sweyne Park councillor Jackie Dillnutt has teamed up with residents keen to petition Asda for a written guarantee it will never stay open for 24 hours.
But an Asda spokesman said while there were no plans for the Rayleigh store to change its trading hours, it could not guarantee it would never happen.
Mrs Dillnut said: “The petition hasn’t got up and running yet but looks likely.
“We will firstly gauge what residents think about the situation.”
She pointed out the store had already changed its opening hours over the festive season.
It normally opens from 7.30am to 10pm, Monday to Saturday, and 10am to 4pm on Sundays.
Corey Vost, 36, who lives opposite the store, in Temple Way, said: “It causes us enough inconvenience already with all the noise and light from the service yard. It’s like having Blackpool Illuminations outside and means we go without sleep.”
Mike Stranks, Rochford Council’s development control team leader, confirmed Asda’s planning conditions did not restrict 24-hour trading and it would not need further permission to vary its hours.
Asda’s head of property communications, Jonathan Refroy, said: “As it stands, we have no desire to operate the store on a 24-hour basis.
“Given the location, trading patterns and customer environment we don’t feel that would be appropriate at the current time.
“That’s not to say that in a few years’ time it will not change.
“It’s always a changing environment and if there was customer demand we would review our decision.”
Given ASBO’s record to date I’ll eat my hat ( or an ASBO pie ) if they are not open 24 hours in 1-2 years time. No amount of protest by local residents is taken any notice of, either by ASBO or RDC. They ran rings around the council during the run up to construction and will no doubt do the same again. [edited] …. That department are simply not up to the job.
Rayleigh Resident, we have won one battle against ASBO – the liquor licence, and that was just the police, myself (and to my knowledge) one other resident that put in a representation, there is no 24 hour liquor licence.
If enough people sign the petition then ASBO HAVE to listen to us – after all we are their target customers!!!
Further to my comment in the paper – I have a solution to the light and noise pollution we suffer each night – ear plugs and eye mask! The downside is, I don’t hear my alarm in the morning!!
I can’t see a problem opening later a few days on the run up to Christmas. However, 24 hour opening does seem excessive.
If there is no demand they won’t open.
Did Corey pop over at 3am to see if they were selling cider to teenagers?
Corey was shopping at Tesco at 3am!!
You could always try blackout linings to your curtains – it worked for me agains my neighbour’s Christmas at Blackpool illiminations!!
and, no, you will not have to venture into Asda to buy them – they do not sell them!!
Already have them – but light gets in around the sides, although it’s not an awful lot of light, it is enough to illuminate the bedroom somewhat.
Although we could buy Roman blinds and install them in the recess, to be honest, I would rather save my money to put towards a deposit elsewhere!
But thanks for the thought.
Wasn’t too sure where to post this question, figured this would be the best spot!! Does anyone know if ASDA have put in a request for extended opening hours this Christmas?
No – Sadly, the inspector didn’t put any condition on their opening hours (only on deliveries)