A Lot of Planning Applications…Essex County Hotel, Favourite Chicken And Ribs, And Rayleigh Leisure Centre

The latest ‘weekly list’ of planning applications can be downloaded here (177kb). There’s quite a few items, here are some examples:

There’s a proposal for an expansion of the Essex County Hotel in Aviation Way:

Application No :11/00582/FUL
Zoning: White Land
Parish : Rochford Parish Council
Ward : Rochford
Location : Essex County Hotel Aviation Way Rochford
Planning permission is sought for part two storey/part single storey extensions to provide a new reception, health club, bar, additional hotel accommodation and extend the existing nightclub toilet. An altered car parking layout and new link road to access parking to rear is also sought.
The application site is located in within a business park with business premises neighbouring the site to the north and south. To the rear (west), the site directly borders land which forms part of Southend Airport.
…..It is considered that the expansion of the hotel use including the introduction of the proposed piano bar and health centre would not give rise to harm to amenity of adjoining businesses which would prove detrimental. The site is however sited immediately adjacent to part of an operational airport which may give rise to noise impacts. Whilst no detail has been provided with the application, the hotel bedrooms may well benefit from insulation against noise and an informative to this effect would be added.
The existing hotel complex (to the layout approved in 2010) benefits from some 170 car parking spaces and 9 additional spaces would be provided as a result of the proposal to give a total of 179 car parking spaces to serve the hotel complex at the site.
All new parking spaces to the front and rear of the site would meet the preferred bay size of 2.9 metres by 5.5 metres. Although existing spaces would be retained at 2.4 metres in width this is not considered objectionable given that these bays already exist and are a product of an earlier parking standard.

This is recommended for approval.

There’s an application for a new illuminated sign and “Favourite Chicken And Ribs” in Rayleigh High Street:

Application No : 11/00614/ADV
Zoning : Primary Shopping
Parish :Rayleigh Town Council
Ward : Wheatley
Location : 54 High Street Rayleigh
Proposal : Proposed Replacement Fascia Sign and Projecting Sign. Both New Signs to be Internally Illuminated.
The area, though, is a Conservation Area and it is noted that the signs displayed on the adjoining premises are relatively subdued with limited visual impact and any illumination is external. The boldness of the proposed red, white and blue design would be more visually arresting than the muted signage on nearby premises. As such it is considered that the signage would have an obtrusive visual impact on the visual amenity of the Conservation Area which would be exacerbated by the internal illumination. Policy SAT10 specifically states that ?Within Conservation Areas the use of internally illuminated fascias and projecting box signs will not be permitted.? The proposal would, by virtue of the internal illumination and impact on amenity, be contrary to both policy SAT 9 and SAT10.

It is recommended for refusal on the grounds of being out of keeping with the conservation area in Rayleigh High Street.

There’s also an application for a metal storage container on the sports pitches at Priory Chase, Rayleigh:

Application No :11/00650/FUL
Zoning : Mixed Use Development
Parish : Rayleigh Town Council
Ward : Downhall And Rawreth
Location : Playing Field Adjacent Rayleigh Leisure Centre Priory Chase
Proposal : Proposed siting of metal container to be used for storage of football related items
The proposal is to construct a container for the use of storing football related items such as goals, corner flags and white lining equipment.
The applicants are a football club and planning permission for their own container is required.
The container would be located on the eastern boundary of the playing field just off the car parking area to the rear of the Sports Centre building.
The container would be a corrugated steel box type construction as used in the shipping of goods and would have a length of 12.55m, width of 2.5m and height of 2.7m. The container would be painted Green and the applicant proposes to plant shrubs along the open side to soften the impact of the building although no details of such planting have been submitted for consideration.

Comments from residents are as follows:

– Cannot view the submitted documentation
– Concern at the positioning of the container ie not being in visual site of my property (17 Temple Way) on Priory Chase mainly because the current one continuously has graffiti on it and is used as gathering point for youths drinking etc. I fully support it’s proposed use to support the playing of football but since it’s introduction the pitches haven’t been used and had merely become a gathering point for youths

It is recomended for approval.

About the author, admin

  • Perhaps they should go ahead with the container installation, then use it as a view point for a sniper to deal with the vermin that have broken many of the saplings planted between the path and the football pitches.

  • Would like a comment regarding the application at Goldsmith Drive. Looks like the Council Officers are opposing it, as I am sure the near by residents will be.I know Chris and Ron cannot comment before the District meeting but I would hope that those paid to inform us of the situation i.e Rochford Planning Officers will be supported in this instance.

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