First of all, Chris spoke to a nice chap at Taylor Wimpey today – it sems that the roads should be adopted within about 12 months….
Secondly, someone in Priory Chase complained to Chris about speeding vehicles in Priory Chase – typically on their way to or from the sports centre. How would people feel about making both roads a 20 mph zone when they are adopted? After all, there’s a primary school in Priory Chase, and it’s hard to get about 20 mph safely in Temple Way anyway….
Yes Please Chris. A 20 mph limit is something that I have been advocating for some time whenever this issue is discussed. BUT any limit would need to be enforced!
There is a speed warning sign that is in use in Lambeth (London) that has a smiley face if you are travelling at or below 20 MPH and a sad face if you are going over the limit. This may sound juvenile but given that a large number of speeding vehicles I have seen have children in them it may work i.e. children being educated about speed and putting pressure on adults to slow down. Children in particular have trouble judging the speed of vehicles.
On the question of enforcement though the number of drivers I see using mobile phones whilst speeding and negotiating the mini roundabout at the junction of Temple Way seems to be on the increase. This selfish and dangerous activity is exacerbated by the vehicles that park within the proximity of the roundabout and up on the pavements. Many of these drivers are female with “child on board” stickers in them but the majority of these vehicles are customers at the Leisure Centre.
Good news that the roads may be adopted by Essex CC in the next year. I hope that the highways department use this opportunity to put right some wrongs and mark and sign the roads appropriately.